NH #66: Sean Bonner of Safecast; Japan Govt. Says “No!” to Nukes (Sort Of…)

Listen here: Download here: http://lhalevy.audioacrobat.com/download/fbc331c3-4c4f-bf9a-0fae-8e74a74b5bbb.mp3 Interview:  Sean Bonner, one of the founders of Safecast, which provides radiation testing devices on the ground in Japan and elsewhere in the world to map radiation levels. This group is the definition of grassroots humanitarian efforts. Plus: Japan declares they’re phasing out nuclear by the 2030’s, but there are…

NH #65 – Dr. Janette Sherman & Joseph Mangano on Post-Fukushima Deaths in US

Plus: Police kill anti-nuke protesters, including a small girl, as thousands continue to protest at Koodankulam NPP in India; The fight is on to stop PG&E from exterminating CA sea life to justify keeping Diablo Canyon NPP chugging away atop its earthquake faults; TEPCO says Unit 4 is “perfectly safe” in a quake up to…

NH #63 – BREDL’s Lou Zeller, Whales Picket Diablo, India’s $9 Nuclear Special!

Lou Zeller, Executive Director of the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League, on how to grow grassroots activism, southeastern U.S. nuke issues, support for the CAN Rally for a Nuclear Free Future. News: Whales Picket Diablo Canyon; India’s $9 Numnutz – the ultimate pro-nuker’s sweet deal; tsunami debris already hitting Alaska hard; Dr. Caldicott’s 14 recommendations…

NH #61: Mary Olson of NIRS.org on Nuclear Waste; “Terrorist” 82-Year Old Nun Assaults Nuke Facility w/a Bible!

 Interview:  Mary Olson, Director of Southeast Office of NIRS.org, on what the June 8 DC court ruling means to the battle against nuclear waste production (meaning reactors and their radioactive legacy).  This woman is a clear, concise powerhouse! News: 82-year-old “terrorist” nun breaks into Oak Ridge nuclear facility armed w/a Bible, candles and spray paint. …

NH #60 – NRC Freezes Nuclear Reactor Construction, Plus Kevin Kamps on Reactor Waste

Interview w/Kevin Kamps of Beyond Nuclear on radioactive waste storage problems, options, how we got in this mess and what if anything can be done about this ever-lasting health menace. www.BeyondNuclear.org BREAKING NEWS – NRC freezes all nuclear reactor construction and operating licenses!  PLUS: San Diego’s COPS (Citizens Oversight Projects) challenges San Onofre’s failure to…

NH #59: Consciousness Raising for West Hollywood Mayor’s Office

PLUS: Japanese anti-nuke demonstrators get pushy at their Parliament building; Extreme increase in mortality from heart attacks in Japan since Fukushima disaster began; Southern California Edison laying plans to restart San Onofre by November while activists prepare to launch their “Hell, no!”; US nuclear power production at 9-year low because of heat and drought; Anti-radiation…

NH #57 – Filmmaker Chris Noland, CA’s Radioactive Almonds & Prunes

Interview w/filmmaker Chris Noland (NOT Christopher Nolan from “Batman”),who recorded the first months after Fukushima as a relief worker in thefield. His film, “311 Surviving Japan” is in post-production and alreadygarnering overwhelming response in preview screenings. PLUS: 170,000 march against nuclear energy and the Oi restart in Japan; KEPCO cooked the energy books, turning off…

NH #56: Fukushima Activist Chieko Shiina, Czechs Help “Radiation Refugees”

FEATURED: Report on Fukushima resident and activist Chieko Shiina’s heartrending presentation on current life in Japan and Fukushima, along with information on how to help her start a Children’s Clinic to address pressing health problems. PLUS: Fukushima determined by Japanese committee to be “a man-made disaster” (incompetence can do that!); TEPCO top execs resign… only…