NH #93: THREE MILE ISLAND SPECIAL: America’s Forgotten Nuclear Terror

Nuclear Hotseat producer/host Libbe HaLevy as a young, stupid woman standing in front of the still-leaking nuclear reactor at Three Mile Island, approximately April 10, 1979 FEATURING: Nuclear Engineer Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy Education with a blow-by-blow description of the chaos inside TMI during the first three days of the accident.  Arnie Gundersen and Libbe HaLevy…

NH #92: FUKUSHIMA BLACKOUT! Radiation Health Tips from FFAN’s Kimberly Roberson

  LISTEN HERE: DOWNLOAD HERE: http://lhalevy.audioacrobat.com/download/73d1767f-132a-386d-6799-a727b2bb1f01.mp3 INTERVIEW: Kimberly Roberson is a certified Diet Counselor and Nutrition Educator and has served on the board of the National Association of Nutrition Professionals. She has worked at Sane/Freeze, CALPIRG and Greenpeace USA;  and has lobbied for environmental and natural health issues on the state and federal level, as…

NH #91 – Dr. Caldicott’s Global Symposium on Medical and Ecological Consequences of Fukushima

SPECIAL:  Direct from Dr. Helen Caldicott’s Global Symposium on the Medical and Ecoogical Consequences of Fukushima, the voices of activists from around the world share what they saw, heard, felt — and decided they’d have to do about it once they got home.  Close to 20 individuals share their take-aways at the most exciting and…

NH #90: Organizational Psychosis and the Nuclear Connection w/Dr. Lloyd C. Williams

INTERVIEW:  Dr. Lloyd C. Williams, international Fortune 100-level coach/consultant/organizational psychologist, on Organizational Psychosis as it relates to Japan, TEPCO, the NRC and the rest of the nuclear industry, with tips to activists on how to break the nuclear cycle of abuse.  DR. WILLIAMS’ CONTACT INFORMATION: Website:  http://www.i-ttl.com/, http://www.drlloydcwilliams.com Email:  [email protected] Phone:  +1-(678)-834-5441 PLUS: BREAKING NEWS:…

NH #89: World Premiere of Filmmaker Christopher Noland’s “3.11: Surviving Japan”

PLUS:  Hanford leaking up to two Olympic-sized swimming pools worth of plutonium-laden waste, endangering Columbia River; Germany facing nuke waste dangers and admits they haven’t a clue how to handle it; Nuke workers dying – three in February alone! Rep. Markey suspects Southern California Edison, operators of San Onofre, guilty of violating federal securities laws; Entergy…

NH #87: Boxer/Markey Nuclear Bombshell, Toronto Trainstopper Zach “No Cameco” Ruiter

 INTERVIEW:  Zach “No Cameco” Ruiter, Canadian activist, on the recent Toronto Idle No More-led blockade of a train outside GE-Hitachi’s mid-city uranium processing facility.  Plus words of wisdom and strategy for activists hoping to make a difference in their local communities. Zach “No Cameco” Ruiter joins with Idle No More at the Toronto Train Blockade…

NH #84: Nuclear Collusion, Radioactive Food w/Beyond Nuclear’s Cindy Folkers

PLUS: IAEA declares 47 Japanese reactors in “Long Term Shutdown;” Allegations of voter fraud arise after Japan’s general election that brought in a pro-nuke government; Nuke industry pre-3/11/13 talking points pushing the disinformation that “radiophobia” – fear of radiation – as more harmful to health than radiation <!>; Fuku fish caught w/2,500 times more radiation…

NH #83: Dr. Helen Caldicott!

Dr. Helen Caldicott talks for the first time about her March 11-12 Symposium: The Medical and Environmental Consequences of Fukushima – a watershed event for our movement, involving doctors, scientists and researchers from around the world.  She explains how she became an anti-nuclear activist while still a teenager, how she founded three of our most…