NH #260: 5th Anniversary SPECIAL! Kevin Kamps, Mary Olson, Don Hancock, More!

Nuclear Hotseat – Now Downloaded in 112 Countries* To celebrate five years of continuous, weekly production, Nuclear Hotseat revisits some activists and stories we’ve been covering. Featured Interviews: Kevin Kamps of Beyond Nuclear on the recent federal court refusal to reconsider nuclear reactor on-site long term radioactive waste storage. Mary Olson of Nuclear Information and…

NH #257: Radiation Spike from Hanford or CGS Reactor? Radcast’s Mimi German Explains

This Week’s Featured Interview:  Mimi German is the founder of RadCast, which focuses on collecting and interpreting radiation data. It helps helping citizen activists learn how to take accurate radiation readings, which RadCast then compiles to figure out what’s going on – radiologically speaking – wherever the EPA has fallen down on the job… which…

NH #256: WA’s Hanford Site Radiological Dangers w/Gerry Pollet, West Lake/EPA Protests

This Week’s Featured Interview: How bad is the radioactive threat of the Hanford Site in SE Washington State?  Learn the facts, worthy of a Halloween horror house, from attorney Gerry Pollet, Executive Director of Heart of America Northwest, a 16,000 member citizens’ watchdog group for the cleanup of Hanford. You Are There at the Front…

NH #255: Just Moms StL to United Nations – West Lake Landfill as Human Rights Violation?

This Week’s Featured Interview: Just Moms StL’s Dawn Chapman reports on last week’s meeting with the United Nations Human Rights Commission.  Topic: whether the WWII nuclear weapons waste illegally stored at the North St. Louis West Lake Landfill and the EPA’s “nobody’s home!” lack of response to the crisis caused by the underground fire bearing…

NH #251: West Lake Moms Meet w/White House Reps & EPA’s Gina McCarthy!

This Week’s Featured Interview: West Lake Just Mom Dawn Chapman reveals the inner workings on the long-desired and oft-thwarted DC meeting she and fellow/sister Just Mom Karen Nickel had with Environmental Protection Agency head Gina Never-Met-A-Nuke-I-Didn’t-Like-And-Cover-For McCarthy.  And oh yes, they also met with White House representatives who are the EPA’s bosses and report directly to President…

NH #217 – Ian Fairlie on Linear No Threshold Radiation Measurements vs. Radiation Deniers

  This Week’s Featured Interview: Dr. Ian Fairlie is an independent consultant on radiation risks and a former scientific secretary to the UK government’s Committee Examining Radiation Risks from Internal Emitters.  www.IanFairlie.org [powerpress] Numnutz of the Week UK Sellafield former engineer brews up a devil of a commemoration for the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. …

NH #214: Churchrock & Uranium-Contaminated Native Lands in SW USA w/Leona Morgan

INTERVIEWS: Leona Morgan  of Diné No Nukes is a Diné (“Navajo”) advocate for clean water, focused on protecting her people and the land from new uranium mining and nuclear developments in the Southwest, specifically around Navajo Nation plus lands within the Diné Four Sacred Mountains.  She explains the massive Churchrock uranium spill of 1979 and…

NH #177: Fukushima Update – Arnie Gundersen

INTERVIEW:Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy Education (Fairewinds.com), Nuclear Hotseat’s favorite nuclear engineer, gives a concise, clear interpretation of what’s behind TEPCO’s recent announcements regarding water radiation levels, the removal of fuel rods from the fuel pool at Unit 4, and the hole in the roof of Unit 1; manipulation of Japanese doctors to eliminate evidence…

NH #176: USS Reagan Sailors’ Lawsuit v. TEPCO Clears Judicial Hurdle, Expands!

INTERVIEW: Attorneys for the USS Reagan sailors hit by Fukushima radiation won big in court last week: Judge Janis Sammartino ruled that the $1 billion lawsuit against TEPCO for health damages and medical treatment CAN not only move forward, it adds as defendants General Electric, EBASCO, Toshiba and Hitachi – the companies that designed and…