NH #318: Post-UN Weapons Ban, Scottish Protest of UK Nukes + Int’l Disarmament Camp – On-Site w/Nikki Clark

This Week’s Featured Interviews: Nikki Clark, a veteran UK nuclear campaigner who co-founded the group South West Against Nuclear, serves as Nuclear Hotseat Special Correspondent, on the ground at the Coulport Nuclear Disarmament Camp in Scotland.  She interviews: Angie Zelter, a founding member of Trident Ploughshares currently in prison for refusing to accept a court…

NH #317: Canada’s Nuclear Waste Nightmare Threatens Great Lakes, Savannah River Site – Dr. Gordon Edwards, Part 2

Listen Here: [powerpress] This Week’s Featured Interview: Dr. Gordon Edwards  of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility continues his interview with Libbe HaLevy, covering the transport of highly radioactive liquid nuclear waste from Chalk River in Canada to the Savannah River Site in South Carolina. Then we shift to the ongoing push by Bruce Power and…

Featured Guest - Dr. Alex Rosen

NH #316: UN Passes Nuclear Weapons Ban + Dr. Gordon Edwards on Canada’s Nuclear Waste Insanity

This Week’s Featured Interview: Dr. Gordon Edwards is president of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility and one of of Canada’s best known independent experts on nuclear technology.  He speaks on the Chalk River proposed Nuclear Waste Dump, its history, and the many ways it’s a dangerous, wrong-headed idea.  The first of three segments with Dr….

NH #315: Three Mile Island 2019 Shutdown – Exelon’s Promise or Threat?  Scott Portzline of TMI Alert

NH #315: Three Mile Island 2019 Shutdown – Exelon’s Promise or Threat? Scott Portzline of TMI Alert

This Week’s Featured Interview: Scott Portzline, Cyber-Security advisor to Three Mile Island Alert, sorts through the verbiage and posturing around Exelon’s announcement that they’ll be shutting down the Three Mile Island in 2019.  Is it a promise or a threat to extract funds from Pennsylvania to keep on running?  Plus Scott updates us on Eric…

NH #314: Fukushima Radiation-Hit USS Reagan Sailors Win Right to Sue TEPCO in USA

Encore Presentation of Nuclear Hotseat #272:EXCLUSIVE! USS Reagan vs. TEPCO HearingAttorneys, Sailors + John Edwards On September 1, 2016, Nuclear Hotseat Producer/Host Libbe HaLevy attended the US 9th District Court Hearing on USS Reagan Sailors v. Tokyo Electric Power Company.  The sailors were on an humanitarian aid mission to Japan following the 2011 Tohoku earthquake…

NH #310: Hanford, Hanford, Hanford! + Grand Canyon Uranium Contamination w/Alicyn Gitlin + US-Japan Nuclear Energy Cooperation Treaty w/Mari Inoue

This Week’s Featured Interviews: Mari Inoue of Manhattan Project for a Nuclear-Free World talks about the issues surrounding the US-Japan Nuclear Energy Cooperation Treaty – and why we really don’t want it to be renewed. LINK to information on the June 17, 2017 NYC protest of the proposed treaty renewal. Alicyn Gitlin coordinates the Campaign…

NH #308: Hanford Tunnel Collapse Problems Continue – Radiation Readings, Workers Health Rights + West Lake Landfill Legislative Update w/Dawn Chapman

Listen Here: [powerpress] This Week’s Featured Interviews: Laura Welch of Nuclear Care Partners, a company that provides in-home health care to approved government atomic industry workers. Dawn Chapman of Just Moms StL, on the sad fate of SB 22, the home buyout bill for families living in closest proximity to the West Lake Landfill and…

NH #305: UN’s Chernobyl Health Cover-Up Exposed: Alison Katz, Independent WHO

This Week’s Featured Interview: Alison Katz, a psychologist and sociologist heads Independent WHO, the international watchdog group drawing attention to the World Health Organization’s failure in its duty to protect those populations who are victims of radioactive contamination.  The group has held a vigil in front of WHO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, five days a…

NH #304: San Onofre Radwaste Insanity vs. Google Earth: Ray Lutz, Gary Headrick + The Trauma of Fukushima Kids

This Week’s Featured Interviews San Onofre Update with two activists working on legal and public protest against storage of highly radioactive waste in 5/8″ steel canisters only 100 feet from the Pacific Ocean: Engineer Ray Lutz of Citizens Oversight Project Gary Headrick of San Clemente Green Ray Lutz with San Onofre protest kite SPECIAL FUKUSHIMA…