NH #321: Trump’s N. Korea WARGASM! Will It Come? A Different Perspective w/Space4Peace’s Bruce Gagon & Bo Jacobs in Hiroshima

This Week’s Featured Interviews – North Korea Close-up: Bruce Gagnon is the secretary/coordinator of Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space.  He provides the history of US/N. Korea relations, a context for understanding what the countries are threatening, Donald Trump’s misplaced bellicosity, and the likelihood that Kim Jong Un will drop a nuke…

NH #320: Nuclear Boondoggle! V.C. Summer DOA but SC Ratepayers Stuck w/the Bill: Beyond Nuclear’s Paul Gunter

Featured Image:  Protesters against proposed Chalk River nuclear waste dump,intended to be sited next to the Ottawa River This Week’s Featured Interviews: Paul Gunter, Director, Reactor Oversight Project for Beyond Nuclear, gets into the complexities of what the abandonment of the V.C. Summer two-reactor build in South Carolina means.  For SC ratepayers, the news is not…

NH #319: Secret Bunkers for Continuation of U.S. Government while Nuked Citizens Die – RAVEN ROCK author Garrett Graff

Featured Image:  What a Hiroshima-sized nuclear bomb would do to Lower Manhattan. This Week’s Featured Interviews: Garrett Graff, author of RAVEN ROCK: The Story of the US Government’s Secret Plan to Save Itself While the Rest of Us Die.  Not exactly your light bedtime reading! Nancy Foust of SimplyInfo.org deciphers TEPCO’s first batch of robot…

NH #318: Post-UN Weapons Ban, Scottish Protest of UK Nukes + Int’l Disarmament Camp – On-Site w/Nikki Clark

This Week’s Featured Interviews: Nikki Clark, a veteran UK nuclear campaigner who co-founded the group South West Against Nuclear, serves as Nuclear Hotseat Special Correspondent, on the ground at the Coulport Nuclear Disarmament Camp in Scotland.  She interviews: Angie Zelter, a founding member of Trident Ploughshares currently in prison for refusing to accept a court…

NH #317: Canada’s Nuclear Waste Nightmare Threatens Great Lakes, Savannah River Site – Dr. Gordon Edwards, Part 2

Listen Here: [powerpress] This Week’s Featured Interview: Dr. Gordon Edwards  of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility continues his interview with Libbe HaLevy, covering the transport of highly radioactive liquid nuclear waste from Chalk River in Canada to the Savannah River Site in South Carolina. Then we shift to the ongoing push by Bruce Power and…

Featured Guest - Dr. Alex Rosen

NH #316: UN Passes Nuclear Weapons Ban + Dr. Gordon Edwards on Canada’s Nuclear Waste Insanity

This Week’s Featured Interview: Dr. Gordon Edwards is president of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility and one of of Canada’s best known independent experts on nuclear technology.  He speaks on the Chalk River proposed Nuclear Waste Dump, its history, and the many ways it’s a dangerous, wrong-headed idea.  The first of three segments with Dr….

NH #315: Three Mile Island 2019 Shutdown – Exelon’s Promise or Threat?  Scott Portzline of TMI Alert

NH #315: Three Mile Island 2019 Shutdown – Exelon’s Promise or Threat? Scott Portzline of TMI Alert

This Week’s Featured Interview: Scott Portzline, Cyber-Security advisor to Three Mile Island Alert, sorts through the verbiage and posturing around Exelon’s announcement that they’ll be shutting down the Three Mile Island in 2019.  Is it a promise or a threat to extract funds from Pennsylvania to keep on running?  Plus Scott updates us on Eric…

NH #314: Fukushima Radiation-Hit USS Reagan Sailors Win Right to Sue TEPCO in USA

Encore Presentation of Nuclear Hotseat #272:EXCLUSIVE! USS Reagan vs. TEPCO HearingAttorneys, Sailors + John Edwards On September 1, 2016, Nuclear Hotseat Producer/Host Libbe HaLevy attended the US 9th District Court Hearing on USS Reagan Sailors v. Tokyo Electric Power Company.  The sailors were on an humanitarian aid mission to Japan following the 2011 Tohoku earthquake…

NH #310: Hanford, Hanford, Hanford! + Grand Canyon Uranium Contamination w/Alicyn Gitlin + US-Japan Nuclear Energy Cooperation Treaty w/Mari Inoue

This Week’s Featured Interviews: Mari Inoue of Manhattan Project for a Nuclear-Free World talks about the issues surrounding the US-Japan Nuclear Energy Cooperation Treaty – and why we really don’t want it to be renewed. LINK to information on the June 17, 2017 NYC protest of the proposed treaty renewal. Alicyn Gitlin coordinates the Campaign…