NH #350: SPECIAL: Fukushima 7th Anniversary VOICES FROM JAPAN: Child Thyroid Cancer Rates Soar in Fukushima

Fukushima 7th Anniversary VOICES FROM JAPAN Listen Here: [powerpress] Featured Interviews: Chikako Chiba is a representative of the Ajisai-no Kai Support Group for families with children who have thyroid cancer. Toshio Yanagihara is an attorney who has been seeking to protect the right of Fukushima families with children to live in a safe environment. Dr….

NH #349: Citizen Scientists! Build Monitors, Map Global Radiation! – Sean Bonner of Safecast + Massive Indian Nuke Protests Against Westinghouse Planned: Kumar Sundaram

Featured Image:  Safecast workshop in Japan — building radiation monitors This Week’s Featured Interviews: Sean Bonner is co-founder and global director of Safecast, an international, volunteer-centered organization devoted to open citizen science for the environment.  It teaches how to build your own radiation monitor and connect it with the Safecast database of real-time, automatically uploaded radiation…

NH #346: EPA’s “70% Plus” West Lake Landfill WWII Nuclear Weapons Waste Clean-Up Plan: The Battle Continues -Dawn Chapman & Karen Nickel of Just Moms StL

Featured Image:  Two exhausted warriors – Karen Nickel (l) and Dawn Chapman (r) of Just Moms StLin video mere moments after EPA’s announcement of the West Lake Landfill clean-up plan This Week’s Featured Interview: Dawn Chapman and Karen Nickel are two North St. Louis mothers who discovered the fact of WWII radioactive atomic weapons waste…

NH #345: Nuclear’s Resurrected Safety Lie of “Duck & Cover” – Bo Jacobs, Hiroshima Peace Institute

Featured Image:  Screen shot from the 1984 ABC-TV movie “The Day After” –Impact of atomic bomb detonation and resulting fireball on the human body.You can’t “duck and cover” from that.  LINK to full film below. This Week’s Featured Interview: Bo Jacobs is a Professor at the Hiroshima Peace Institute and author of the recent Truth-out.org…

NH #343: Hawaii Dress Rehearsal for Nuclear Hell + Fukushima update w/Nancy Foust, European Radiation w/Shaun McGee

Listen Here: [powerpress] This Week’s Featured Interviews: Nancy Foust of SimplyInfo.org, brings us up to date on the latest at Fukushima and the TEPCO/Japanese government attempts to clean up the site. Shaun McGee of Nuclear-News.net gets down to the nitty gritty on 2017 mystery radiation releases from Eastern Europe and some of the UK’s most…

NH #342: ENCORE PRESENTATION: PSR/IPPNW Report – 10,000+ Excess Cancer Cases Post-Fukushima – Thomasson, Rosen, Mousseau, Alvarez

Because I’m down with the flu, I’m unable to produce a new program this week, so here’s a chance for you to listen to an important story from 2016, where Physicians for Social Responsibility and the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War issued a report projecting at least 10,000 excess cancer cases in…

Indian Point Shutdown

NH #336: Russia Confesses: Radioactive Ruthenium Cloud over Europe Came f/Mayak + Karl Grossman on Indian Point

This Week’s Featured Interview: Award-winning journalist Karl Grossman shares insights on the Indian Point Closure agreement, the hidden manipulation tactics of the Institute of Nuclear Power Operators, and gives us examples of how activists have successfully scuttled nuclear industry plans.An Encore presentation from Nuclear Hotseat, #295, February 14, 2017. Karl Grossman’s Links: Article – “An…

NH #335: “Chernobyl Disaster in a Can” – 73 Vulnerable-To-Cracking Radioactive Waste Canisters Set for CA Ocean-Front Burial at San Onofre:  Donna Gilmore

NH #335: “Chernobyl Disaster in a Can” – 73 Vulnerable-To-Cracking Radioactive Waste Canisters Set for CA Ocean-Front Burial at San Onofre: Donna Gilmore

This Week’s Featured Interview: Donna Gilmore of SanOnofreSafety.org reports on Southern California Edison’s plans to bury 1,800 tons – that’s 3,600,000 pounds <!> of high-level radioactive waste a mere 36 yards from high tide in canisters that are vulnerable to cracking in 2 years and leaking within 20 years.  Each one contains a Chernobyl disaster’s…