NH #385: Nuke Films in Arizona & NM! Uranium Film Festival’s Norbert Suchanek + Filmmakers Rebecca Cammisa, Taylor Dunne, Eric Stewart

Nuke films from around the world featured in AZ and NM at Int’l Uranium Film Festival This Week’s Featured Interviews: Nuke films?  This man’s got ’em!  Norbert Suchanek is the Executive Director of the International Uranium Film Festival and talks about the upcoming screenings in Arizona and New Mexico. Rebecca Cammisa directed the award-winning documentary…

NH #381: Holtec so-called “interim” Nuke Waste Dump in NM – Legal, Activist Pushback w/Attny Terry Lodge

Holtec so-called “interim” radioactive storage dump, Yucca Mountain, and uranium mining brings out Native tribal protestors at Red Butte in Arizona Listen Here: [powerpress] This Week’s Featured Interview: Holtec, the company trying to own nuclear waste and all its attendant monies, has a ferocious opponent in Terry Lodge.  He is an Ohio trial lawyer who…

NH #380: Ocean Radioactivity Transfer to Land, Food, People: UK Marine Pollution Expert Tim Deere-Jones

Ocean Radioactivity from Dumped Hinkley Point Nuclear Mud – Protests in Cardiff, Wales, against radioactive mud-dumping by EDF in Cardiff Bay only 2 km offshore Listen Here: [powerpress] This Week’s Featured Interview: Ocean radioactivity and the way it transfers to land is the area of expertise of Tim Deere-Jones, an independent marine pollution consultant who…

NH #377: Space Force has Nazi Roots?! Bruce Gagnon & Space4Peace

Space Force – will it make the U.S. the Evil Empire?Global Network’s 2018 Keep Space for Peace week poster. This Week’s Featured Interview: SPACE FORCE / EVIL FORCE?  Bruce Gagnon, Co-Founder and Secretary/Coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space, and a 30 year veteran of actions against nuclear weaponry and…

United Nations Lies

NH #376: United Nations Lies re: Fukushima Radiation – Dr. Alex Rosen, IPPNW REDUX

This Week’s Featured Interview: Dr. Alex Rosen is a German pediatrician and Vice President of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War in Germany. We spoke originally in July of 2014, just after the United Nations UNSCEAR report was released. LINK to Full IPPNW report in English, Critical Analysis of the UNSCEAR Report “Levels…

NH #374: San Onofre SOS! Update on Accident Near-Miss w/Donna Gilmore + New Int’l Nuke News Source – Linda Pentz Gunter

San Onofre from the air shows how close storage silos are to the Pacific Ocean. This Week’s Featured Interviews: San Onofre Safety‘s Donna Gilmore tells what she tried to say to Southern California Edison at the August 9 Community EnRagement, uh, Engagement Panel when the “experts” shouted her down.  More scary information on how the nuclear…

NH #368: FALLOUT: Int’l Nuclear Disasters, Lies & Secrecy with Author Fred Pearce

FALLOUT: Disasters, Lies and the Nuclear Age by Fred Pearceincludes, of course, Chernobyl, pictured here immediately after the disaster began. This Week’s Featured Interview: Fred Pearce is an English journalist based in London. He is a science writer, reporting on the environment, popular science, and development issues from 64 countries over the past 20 years,…

NH #367: New Mexico Radioactive Battleground over Nuke Dump: Sierra Club’s John Buchser

New Mexico’s other nuclear problems include the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant,or WIPP site near Carlsbad, NM (pictured), where a 55 gallon drum of stored waste from Los Alamos National Laboratories exploded on Valentine’s Day, 2014. It cost taxpayers more than $2 billion and severely limits the ability to store radioactive nuclear weapons manufacturing waste there….

NH #366: Nuclear War Aftermath: Politicians/Government Lives, We Die – Garrett Graff, “Raven Rock”

Nuclear war – what one Russian 800 kiloton bomb would do to Washington DC Listen here: [powerpress] This Week’s Featured Interview: Garrett Graff, author of RAVEN ROCK: The Story of the US Government’s Secret Plan to Save Itself While the Rest of Us Die.  Learn how your tax dollars are at work protecting the politicians…