NH #434: Fukushima Hurricane Hagibis Flooding Spreads Radiation Risks, w/Simply Info’s Nancy Foust + Radioactive Rocky Flats-Adjacent Toll Road Delayed – Randy Stafford

Fukushima Hurricane Hagibis Flooding – deluge of water washes full bags of “decontaminated” soil, plants, and other radioactive matter into Furumichi river near the Japanese city of Tamura in Fukushima Prefecture (above). No report yet on how much radioactive material from the decomposing, torn waste bags was washed back into the environment. This Week’s Featured…

Childhood Leukemia Rates

NH #433: Childhood Leukemia Rates Soar for Kids Living near Nuclear Reactors: UK Researcher Dr. Ian Fairlie

This Week’s Featured Interview: Childhood leukemia rates near nuclear reactors shown to increase in 2014 report by Dr. Ian Fairlie. He is an independent consultant on radioactivity in the environment living in London UK and has studied radiation and radioactivity at least since the Chernobyl accident in 1986. He has a degree in radiation biology from Bart’s Hospital in…

NH #432: Nuclear Launch Codes + Impeachment Inquiry = ??? Garrett Graff, author, Raven Rock, on Govt’s Secret Plan to Survive while the Rest Of Us Die

Nuclear Launch Codes, referred to as the Nuclear Football, follow the president everywhere, carried by a military attache and stashed in a briefcase (pictured) making it possible for him to launch a nuclear strike at any country at any time. Yes, even now. Is there any recourse to this insanity, should Trump decide to go…

NH #429: Nuclear Numnutz of the Year 2018 REDUX – Look Back at Yet Another Year of Nuclear Insanity

Nuclear Numnutz cartoon by Libbe HaLevy and Raoul Pascual LISTEN HERE: [powerpress] NOTE: I’m taking my annual autumn break from the nuclear world with an off-grid retreat for a week. What better time to let you see how far we have come <NOT!> in holding off the nuclear insanity than by revisiting a full year…

NH #410: Chernobyl #3: Harrowing Play-by-Play of an Ultimate Nuclear Disaster – Author Adam Higginbotham

Chernobyl play-by-play of how the disaster happened: new book by Adam Higginbotham This Week’s Featured Interview: Adam Higginbotham is the author of MIDNIGHT IN CHERNOBYL: The Untold Story of the World’s Greatest Nuclear Disaster, the first complete account of the catastrophe that encircled the world and helped precipitate the fall of the Soviet Union. Higginbotham…

NH #408: Chernobyl 33 Anniversary SPECIAL #1 – Yablakov, Mousseau, Survivor Kouneva, More!

Chernobyl at 33:  The melted, still highly radioactive nuclear fuel at the bottom of Chernobyl, nicknamed the “elephant’s foot.” Listen Here: [powerpress] The Chernobyl nuclear disaster marks its 33rd anniversary on April 26, and Nuclear Hotseat marks it with two SPECIAL reports on the accident and its aftermath.  This week’s episode features interviews with a…

NH #406: San Onofre Madness: Edison Lies, NRC Regulators Wimping Out – Nina Babiarz of Public Watchdogs + Langley, Aguirre, Gilmore

San Onofre Madness: nuclear waste storage in “lemon” of a Holtec system?No thanks!  We deserve better! This Week’s Featured Interview: Nina Babiarz is a board member of Public Watchdogs, a non-profit safety watchdog group which has worked closely on San Onofre issues. Among the testimonies given in front of Southern California Edison’s tightly controlled Community…

NH #405: Three Mile Island 40th Anniversary SPECIAL, Pt. 1 – Nuclear Terror, Radiation Lies

Three Mile Island button protest designed by Jules Feiffer NOTE:  I am currently in Harrisburg, PA, for events surrounding the 40th anniversary of the 1979 nuclear meltdown at Three Mile Island.  Today’s program, Nuclear Hotseat’s Annual TMI Anniversary SPECIAL, will be followed in two weeks by another SPECIAL, this one on the result of my…

NH #402: Fukushima Anniversary UPDATE SPECIAL #2: Activist Misao Redwolf, Journalist Carole Hisasue, Simply Info’s Nancy Foust, Nuclear Lecturer Dr. Caitlin Stronell, Filmmaker Tsukuru Fors Lauritzen

Fukushima Anniversary UPDATE SPECIAL: Japanese anti-nuclear activist Misao Redwolftakes a stand at the Friday night Tokyo demonstrations against reactor restarts. This Week’s Featured Interviews: Fukushima Anniversary coverage on Nuclear Hotseat continues with a series of interviews with on-the-ground activists from Japan and those who assist their work in the U.S. Misao Redwolf  is an Activist/Member…