Nuclear Disarmament Plowshares

NH #543: Nuclear Disarmament Plowshares Film & Media Strategy Tips – Emmy-winning Journalist Helen Young

This Week’s Featured Interview: Nuclear Disarmament:  Helen Young is an Emmy award-winning broadcast journalist who has forged a career as a filmmaker and writer by blending a passion for investigative reporting with a commitment to illuminating critical issues of the day.  She was a staff writer and producer for CBS News and NBC News for…

Radioactive Nuclear Waste Dump Dangers

NH #536: Radioactive Nuclear Waste Dump Dangers – Kevin Kamps + Nuke Info Tokyo – Caitlin Stronell

This Week’s Featured Interviews: Radioactive nuclear waste dump dangers are the primary wheelhouse of Kevin Kamps, Radioactive Waste Watchdog (bullldog?) for Beyond Nuclear.  Kevin specializes in high-level waste management and transportation; new and existing reactors; decommissioning; environmental and public health risks associated with government and industry efforts to dump commercial irradiated fuel rods on Native…

Nuclear New Orleans

NH #532: Nuclear New Orleans: Another Fukushima? Post-Ida Dangers at Waterford Nuclear – Arnie Gundersen, Maggie Gundersen, Nancy Foust

This Week’s SPECIAL Interviews: Following the devastation to New Orleans by Hurricane Ida, mainstream media has failed to cover the situation at the Waterford nuclear facility only 25 miles west of the city.  The facility is shut down, without grid power, and currently cooling the reactor with emergency back-up generators. But is this enough? Will…

Reference Man Standard for Radiation Exposure

NH #525: Reference Man Standard for Radiation Exposure Inadequate for Women, Girls, Boys – Mary Olson, Dave Lochbaum

This Week’s Featured Interview: Reference Man is the standard first developed in 1949 to establish maximum permissible amounts of radioactive materials in the human body.  BUT because humans are so diverse in age, gender, weight, height, lifestyles, geographic locations and other factors, no Reference Man definition can possibly reflect anything other than a scant few…

Radiation Monitoring in USA

NH #511: Radiation Monitoring in USA? Let’s go! – Rachel Clark

This Week’s Featured interview: Radiation Monitoring in USA based on Japan’s Citizen Activist model is the focus of our interview with this week’s guest.  Originally from Japan, Rachel Clark holds a degree in International Studies from Ramapo College of New Jersey.  As an independent interpreter/global coordinator, her language capacity has been utilized in various international…

Plutonium + Nazis + Crashes

NH #508: Plutonium + Nazis + Crashes = US Nukes in Space Dangers: Karl Grossman

This Week’s Featured Interview: Plutonium + Nazis + Crashes = U.S. Nukes in Space Dangers – As regular listeners to Nuclear Hotseat know, Karl Grossman is one of my favorite interviewees. He is an author and journalism professor at the State University of New York/College at Old Westbury, host of the television program Enviro Close-Up…

Texas Nuclear’s Epic Fail

NH #505: Texas Nuclear’s Epic Fail + Defund Nuclear Weapons Producers – Erica Gray, Susi Snyder

This Week’s Featured Interviews: TEXAS NUCLEAR’S EPIC FAIL – Erica Gray, Nuclear Issues Chair of the Sierra Club, checks and posts the Nuclear Regulatory Commission status (power level) and event (accidents, problems) reports on social media the five days a week that they are supposed to be issued.  Last week, Nuclear Hotseat offered a rundown…

Nuclear Biden: Disarmament Strategies

NH #504: Nuclear Biden: Disarmament Strategies, Conflict Resolution – Alyn Ware

This Week’s Featured Interview: Nuclear Biden – a primer for the new president.  Alyn Ware is a New Zealand peace educator and campaigner in the areas of peace, non-violence, nuclear abolition, international law, women’s rights, children’s rights, indigenous rights, and the environment. He has served as the Global Coordinator for Parliamentarians for Nuclear Nonproliferation and…