NH #39 for March 13, 2012 – 1st Anniversary of Fukushima, San Onofre Demonstration

On the first anniversary of the Tohoku earthquake, tsunami and the start of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster: Special audio report from the March 11 San Onofre anti-nuke demo; Interviews with two survivors of Tohoku quake, tsunami and ongoing Fukushima Daiichi disaster, direct from Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture in Japan, who were speaking at the…

NH #38 – Meeting w/CA Top Aide to Governor, March 11 Demos at San Onofre

Report on anti-nuke activists meeting w/CA Gov. Jerry Brown’s senior aide; this weekend’s demonstrations at San Onofre features two Japanese survivors of the Tohoku earthquake, tsunami, and resulting nuclear disaster at Fukushima; transcript of NRC audio quashing US National Labs monitoring of radiation the day after the earthquake – OUTRAGEOUS! LA area cesium levels found…

NH #30: How Nuclear Activists Can Get on the Radar of Reporters BEFORE March 11

Reporters always need sources and don’t know where to find them.  They’ll also take the easiest way out whenever possible.  News and journalism have been so degraded since I got my BA in the field that it’s sad to see such simplistic “reporting” when stories are so much richer and more complex than get represented…

NH #29: The (Nuclear) Chain of Life: Are Cancer and Autism Linked to Your Grandmother’s Radiation Exposure?

An email forwarded to me from Mary Olsen of Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS.com) has been haunting me. It’s well known within the anti-nuclear movement that radiation most profoundly affects fetuses and the very young.  In explaining this phenomenon, Mary wrote, “In addition to radiation impacts on DNA (both egg and sperm), there is…