NH #156 – 3rd Anniversary + WIPP Update w/Don Hancock

FEATURED: Don Hancock, Executive Director of the Southwest Information and Research Center, brings us up to date with another insightful update on what’s happening at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) site following the February 14, 2014 plutonium leak that shut the facility down. AND – For Nuclear Hotseat’s third anniversary, Producer/Host Libbe HaLevy shares…

NH #155: BREAKING: 1st USS Reagan Death + Voices f/Japan: Komoro Homestay w/Laura & Giichi Inoue

LISTEN HERE: DOWNLOAD HERE: http://lhalevy.audioacrobat.com/download/9be8296a-eae1-763b-5077-de36432384a6.mp3 BREAKING – A NUCLEAR HOTSEAT EXCLUSIVE: First death of a USS Ronald Reagan sailor hit by radiation from Fukushima Daiichi while on the humanitarian aid Operation Tomodachi.  Information just released today by the legal team representing the USS Reagan sailors in their billion dollar lawsuit against TEPCO. Military honors for…

NH #152: Voices from Japan: Idogawa, Horikiri and Oishinbo Controversy

ニュークリアーホットシート 日本語版を聞く場合はここをクリックして下さい。LISTEN HERE (JAPANESE):  ダウンロードをして聞く場合はここをクリックして下さい。DOWNLOAD HERE  (JAPANESE): http://lhalevy.audioacrobat.com/download/933b7c4e-aae7-fb97-d946-e757dab5cbbf.mp3 FEATURED:  Voices from Japan features former Futuba Mayor Idogawa, filmmaker Satomi Horiki, and an examination of the Oishinbo manga comic controversy over nosebleeds, radiation fatigue and government suppression of the medical facts. NUMNUTZ OF THE WEEK: A Kennedy and a Beatle?  Yep!  When they could get together…

NH #145: WIPP & San Onofre Updates + More Voices from Japan

Fukushima Collective Evacuation Lawsuit attorney Toshio Yanagihara (left), and voluntary evacuee Katsumi Hasegawa (right), met with Noam Chomsky and a Fukushima mother and child in Tokyo recently. FEATURING: Don Hancock of Southwest Research and Information Center provides the latest information on the radiation leak at the Waste Isolation Project Plant (WIPP) in Carlsbad, New Mexico;…

NH #143: WIPP Update #4 w/Don Hancock + New Food Safety Feature

INTERVIEW:  Don Hancock of Southwest Research and Information Center again fills us in on the latest developments at the Waste Isolation Pilot Project (WIPP) in Carlsbad New Mexico following the Valentine’s Day radiation leak.  What exactly happened, how much leaked, how far has it traveled in which direction, what are the radiation levels — we…

NH #141: Shocking Cancer Stats @Diablo Canyon w/Dr. Jerry Brown

Libbe HaLevy’s Nuclear Memoir Ebook  #1 in Category on Amazon Kindle 3 Days in a Row! Buy it here: http://amzn.to/1llNo2w INTERVIEWS: Dr. Jerry Brown, director of the Safe Energy Project for the Santa Barbara-based World Business Academy, talks about the new study commissioned from esteemed epidemiologist Joseph Mangano.  It reveals shocking cancer statistics in counties…

NH #139: Carlsbad WIPP Radiation Leak w/watchdog Don Hancock + Indian filmmaker Pradeep Indulkar

BREAKING NEWS:  Sister Megan Rice sentenced to 2 years, 11 months for peaceful protest at the Y-12 nuclear weapons site at Oak Ridge, Tennessee.  Co-defendants get 5 yrs. 2 months each.  Details on next week’s Nuclear Hotseat #140.  INTERVIEWS: Don Hancock of the Southwest Research and Information Center on the fire and radiation release at…

NHt #138: USS Reagan Sailors v. TEPCO Lawsuit Update w/Attny Charles Bonner

USS Reagan sailors on deck trying to clean up radiation during Operation Tomadachi, their humanitarian aid mission to Fukushima immediately after the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami.  (Note the lack of protective gear.) INTERVIEW: Attorney Charles Bonner, representing USS Ronald Reagan sailors harmed by Fukushima radiation, with an update on their lawsuit against TEPCO. …