NH #315: Three Mile Island 2019 Shutdown – Exelon’s Promise or Threat?  Scott Portzline of TMI Alert

NH #315: Three Mile Island 2019 Shutdown – Exelon’s Promise or Threat? Scott Portzline of TMI Alert

This Week’s Featured Interview: Scott Portzline, Cyber-Security advisor to Three Mile Island Alert, sorts through the verbiage and posturing around Exelon’s announcement that they’ll be shutting down the Three Mile Island in 2019.  Is it a promise or a threat to extract funds from Pennsylvania to keep on running?  Plus Scott updates us on Eric…

NH #314: Fukushima Radiation-Hit USS Reagan Sailors Win Right to Sue TEPCO in USA

Encore Presentation of Nuclear Hotseat #272:EXCLUSIVE! USS Reagan vs. TEPCO HearingAttorneys, Sailors + John Edwards On September 1, 2016, Nuclear Hotseat Producer/Host Libbe HaLevy attended the US 9th District Court Hearing on USS Reagan Sailors v. Tokyo Electric Power Company.  The sailors were on an humanitarian aid mission to Japan following the 2011 Tohoku earthquake…

NH #309: HANFORD Accident #2 in 10 Days! + Ian Zabarte on Yucca Mt. Nuclear Desecration of Western Shoshone Land

Listen Here: [powerpress] HANFORD UPDATE: New Accident – Radioactive contamination of worker’s clothes as underground double-sided tank containing 800,000 gallons of radioactive waste shows signs of leak.  Old Accident – May 9, 2017 collapse of 20’x20′ of tunnel over highly radioactive materials from PUREX facility now “remediated” by 53 dump trucks of soil AND a…

NH #308: Hanford Tunnel Collapse Problems Continue – Radiation Readings, Workers Health Rights + West Lake Landfill Legislative Update w/Dawn Chapman

Listen Here: [powerpress] This Week’s Featured Interviews: Laura Welch of Nuclear Care Partners, a company that provides in-home health care to approved government atomic industry workers. Dawn Chapman of Just Moms StL, on the sad fate of SB 22, the home buyout bill for families living in closest proximity to the West Lake Landfill and…

NH #306: Ongoing St. Louis Nuclear Nightmare: West Lake Landfill Fire – Dawn Chapman, Jan Huber

Listen here: [powerpress] This Week’s Featured Interviews: Dawn Chapman, one of the founders of Just Moms StL who lives only a few miles away from the West Lake Landfill. Jan Huber bought her home in North St. Louis in 2000, never understanding that it was one mile away from a nuclear time bomb that had…

NH #304: San Onofre Radwaste Insanity vs. Google Earth: Ray Lutz, Gary Headrick + The Trauma of Fukushima Kids

This Week’s Featured Interviews San Onofre Update with two activists working on legal and public protest against storage of highly radioactive waste in 5/8″ steel canisters only 100 feet from the Pacific Ocean: Engineer Ray Lutz of Citizens Oversight Project Gary Headrick of San Clemente Green Ray Lutz with San Onofre protest kite SPECIAL FUKUSHIMA…

NH #303: UN Nuke Bomb Ban Blasts Forward + Don’t Bank on the Bomb – Alice Slater, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation

This Week’s Featured Interviews: Alice Slater, New York Director of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, was a delegate to the recently concluded four-day conference at the UN on banning nuclear weapons  and offers some stunning observations about the event and the hope it provides for the future. Suzi Snyder works with PAX, a peace group…

NH #302: St. Louis Nuke Waste Protests Erupt + Radiation in 2020 Olympics Food?

This Week’s Featured Interviews: A focus on Bequerel Awareness Day (Bqs are a measurement of radiation in food) and the impact on Japan’s food supply, especially in light of the impact on athletes and fans at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, with events scheduled only 12-1/2 miles from the triple meltdown <!>.   Three, count them, three…

NH #300: Nukes in Space Eat Entitlement Programs! – Global Network’s Bruce Gagnon

A reminder to help us celebrate our 300th episode with a donation – 300 pennies, 300 dimes, 300 dollars, 300 good wishes, or any percentage thereof! This Week’s Featured Interview: Bruce Gagnon, secretary/coordinator of Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space, explains the dangers of nuclear deterrence, how the Pentagon plans to rob…