United Nations Lies

NH #376: United Nations Lies re: Fukushima Radiation – Dr. Alex Rosen, IPPNW REDUX

This Week’s Featured Interview: Dr. Alex Rosen is a German pediatrician and Vice President of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War in Germany. We spoke originally in July of 2014, just after the United Nations UNSCEAR report was released. LINK to Full IPPNW report in English, Critical Analysis of the UNSCEAR Report “Levels…

NH #371: Nuclear Trainwreck: Radwaste Transport Dangers Exposed! – Donna Gilmore of San Onofre Safety

Nuclear Trainwreck? – San Onofre high level radioactive wastelurks just above and behind Pacific Ocean high tide mark –and proposed rail transport is a “mobile Chernobyl” disaster just waiting to happen. This Week’s Featured Interview: “Nuclear trainwreck” – Let’s hope that’s a metaphor, not a future reality!  Donna Gilmore is  founder and head of San…

NH #368: FALLOUT: Int’l Nuclear Disasters, Lies & Secrecy with Author Fred Pearce

FALLOUT: Disasters, Lies and the Nuclear Age by Fred Pearceincludes, of course, Chernobyl, pictured here immediately after the disaster began. This Week’s Featured Interview: Fred Pearce is an English journalist based in London. He is a science writer, reporting on the environment, popular science, and development issues from 64 countries over the past 20 years,…

NH #365: Nuclear Hotseat 7th Anniversary! + Prof. Heidi Hutner’s film ACCIDENTS CAN HAPPEN: Voices of Women from Three Mile Island

Anniversary time! Listen here: [powerpress] Anniversary time!  Nuclear Hotseat – Now beginning its 8th year of  weekly programs on nuclear issues… “from a different perspective.” Please consider donating to help us celebrate!  This Week’s Featured Interview: Dr. Heidi Hutner is a professor of Sustainability and English at Stony Brook University, and a scholar of nuclear…

NH #360: Yucca Mountain YUCK! + NRC to Geriatric Nukes: “Life After 60? OK!” + New Trinity Site/Rocky Flats Docu OFF COUNTRY

Marker at the Trinity site, where the world’s first nuclear explosion took place. This Week’s Featured Interview: Filmmakers Taylor Dunne and Eric Stewart on their new documentary-in-progress, OFF COUNTRY, which examines lives impacted on-the-ground after the Trinity test, the first nuclear explosion in the world, and at Rocky Flats, the plutonium contaminated former nuclear weapons…

NH #356: No Nuclear “Sacrifice Zone” in New Mexico! Leona Morgan, Eileen Shaughnessy

Nuclear Hotseat Producer/Host Libbe HaLevy (l) and Leona Morganat International Uranium Film Festival, 2015 This Week’s Featured Interview: Leona Morgan and Eileen Shaughnessy of the Nuclear Issues Study Group, based in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  They talk about pressure on indigenous people in New Mexico to accept a high level nuclear waste dump and all “interim”…

NH #353: Three Mile Island: Yes People Died/Are Dying! – TMI 39th Anniversary SPECIAL

Three Mile Island Nuclear Meltdown at 39 NOTE: I am traveling to TMI for events surrounding the 39th Anniversary. As a result, donations to help me get there will be rewarded with the following bonuses:  For $20, you will receive a quality facsimile of the LA Weekly article I wrote at the evacuation site that…

NH #350: SPECIAL: Fukushima 7th Anniversary VOICES FROM JAPAN: Child Thyroid Cancer Rates Soar in Fukushima

Fukushima 7th Anniversary VOICES FROM JAPAN Listen Here: [powerpress] Featured Interviews: Chikako Chiba is a representative of the Ajisai-no Kai Support Group for families with children who have thyroid cancer. Toshio Yanagihara is an attorney who has been seeking to protect the right of Fukushima families with children to live in a safe environment. Dr….

NH #348: Hanford’s “Atrocious Breach of Safety” – Dangerous Incompetence Fuels Growing Radiation Contamination – Tom Carpenter of Hanford Challenge

This Week’s Featured Interview: Tom Carpenter is the Executive Director of the Hanford Challenge.  He addresses Hanford’s recent radiation contamination from demolition of the Plutonium Finishing Plant and maps out the timeline of recent events, which are still breaking in the news. Health Effects of Plutonium – article Information on radiation monitors mentioned in the interview: …