NH #407: Three Mile Island 40th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL: Libbe HaLevy’s Trip Back to TMI – Gundersen, Epstein, Folkers, Layman, More!

Three Mile Island at 40 – TMI Vigil at the gates to the reactor facility, March 28, 2019, 3:57 a.m. Nuclear Hotseat producer/host Libbe HaLevy (right) commemorates her past. Listen Here: [powerpress] A very SPECIAL Nuclear Hotseat as producer/host Libbe HaLevy returns to Three Mile Island, site of the 1979 meltdown that changed her life. …

NH #406: San Onofre Madness: Edison Lies, NRC Regulators Wimping Out – Nina Babiarz of Public Watchdogs + Langley, Aguirre, Gilmore

San Onofre Madness: nuclear waste storage in “lemon” of a Holtec system?No thanks!  We deserve better! This Week’s Featured Interview: Nina Babiarz is a board member of Public Watchdogs, a non-profit safety watchdog group which has worked closely on San Onofre issues. Among the testimonies given in front of Southern California Edison’s tightly controlled Community…

NH #405: Three Mile Island 40th Anniversary SPECIAL, Pt. 1 – Nuclear Terror, Radiation Lies

Three Mile Island button protest designed by Jules Feiffer NOTE:  I am currently in Harrisburg, PA, for events surrounding the 40th anniversary of the 1979 nuclear meltdown at Three Mile Island.  Today’s program, Nuclear Hotseat’s Annual TMI Anniversary SPECIAL, will be followed in two weeks by another SPECIAL, this one on the result of my…

NH #402: Fukushima Anniversary UPDATE SPECIAL #2: Activist Misao Redwolf, Journalist Carole Hisasue, Simply Info’s Nancy Foust, Nuclear Lecturer Dr. Caitlin Stronell, Filmmaker Tsukuru Fors Lauritzen

Fukushima Anniversary UPDATE SPECIAL: Japanese anti-nuclear activist Misao Redwolftakes a stand at the Friday night Tokyo demonstrations against reactor restarts. This Week’s Featured Interviews: Fukushima Anniversary coverage on Nuclear Hotseat continues with a series of interviews with on-the-ground activists from Japan and those who assist their work in the U.S. Misao Redwolf  is an Activist/Member…

NH #401: Fukushima Update SPECIAL: Microparticles, Medical Data Manipulation, More! Simply Info’s 2019 Fukushima Report w/Nancy Foust

Fukushima Update:  Photo sequence of the explosion at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors, March 14, 2011, that spewed radioactive microparticles into the environment This Week’s Featured Interview: Fukushima UPDATE SPECIAL – Nancy Foust is Communications Manager & Research Team Member SimplyInfo.org, a not for profit research collective that holds and manages the world’s largest public archive…

NH #394: UChicago Nuclear Die-In at Atomic Pile Commemoration – New Anti-Nuke Generation’s India Weston

UChicago’s Henry Moore Statue “Nuclear Energy” was surrounded by body outlinesrepresenting the civilians who were killed by atomic bomb blasts at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.Photos: Brittney Dorton This Week’s Featured Interview: UChicago’s India Weston, a remarkable young anti-nuclear activist, fills us in on the new-media way she first discovered the hidden nuclear history, how she grew…

NH #391: Nuclear Fox Revealed! France’s Hervé Courtois of Nuclear-News, Rainbow Warriors

Nuclear Fox Hervé Courtois & Nuclear Hotseat’s Libbe HaLevy @ the Window Rock of Window Rock AZ This Week’s Featured Interview: Nuclear Fox – Hervé Courtois of France, aka D’un Renard, or “The Fox” – has been a steadfast provider of reliable nuclear  news, especially from Fukushima, since the first months after the disaster began…

NH #389: World Health Organization’s Fukushima, Chernobyl Lies: Alison Katz of Independent WHO

Montage of protesters at the headquarters of the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland,organized by Independent WHO This Week’s Featured Interview: Alison Katz, the head of Independent WHO (World Health Organization), continues to expose the lies and manipulations of perception regarding radiation impacts on health at Fukushima and Chernobyl.  A special Encore presentation from Nuclear…

NH #388: Santa Susana Field Lab/Woolsey Fire Radiation Dangers – Shocking History of Nuke Site Health Damage w/Epidemiologist Joseph Mangano

Santa Susana Field Lab – aerial photo of the start of the Woolsey Fire BREAKING: Arnie Gundersen and Maggie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy Education have just released the protocols for collecting dust and dirt samples within 25 miles of the Santa Susana Field Lab for free testing for radioactivity. To download your copy of the…