NH #494: Nuclear Downwinders (That’s All of Us): Journalist/Playwright Mary Dickson

Nuclear Downwinders Update – Map of U.S. areas hit by fallout from at least three of the 100 atmospheric bomb tests done above ground in Nevada, showing that most of us are truly downwinders. Used by permission of Richard Miller Listen Here: [powerpress] This Week’s Featured Interview: Nuclear Downwinders – and that would be more…

NH #490: Children of Atomic Veterans Carry Heavy Genetic Burden: Victoria Moore

Children of Atomic Veterans  – DNA damage, penile cancer,and the message:   Don’t have kids! The American devastation of military personnel from the atomic bomb test radiationthat devastated the Marshall Islands and its people.  This Week’s Featured Interview: Children of Atomic Veterans focuses on medical and genetic issues in those whose parents – primarily fathers –…

NH #482: VoteClimate2020.org – Maggie Gundersen, Robert Manning + Exelon Nuclear Hostage Crisis: Dave Kraft

Exelon Nuclear Hostage Crisis called out by Dave Kraft of NEIS, seen here at hiscommand control console for slaying nuclear dragons. NOTE:  Letters are still needed to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission opposing plans for Holtec to build a so-called “Interim” high level radioactive waste storage site in New Mexico.  Deadline is September 22, 2020.  PLEASE: …

NH #480: Saskatchewan First Nations Targeted for Untested Small Modular Nuclear Reactors: Candyce Paul

Saskatchewan First Nations activists Candyce Paul (r) and a lurking Marius Paul (lower l)Interview by Libbe HaLevy This Week’s Featured Interview: Saskatchewan First Nations activist Candyce Paul has lived in northern Saskatchewan for more than three decades with her husband, Marius Paul. She spent many years living and learning the traditional northern culture which she…

NH #474: Trinity A-Bomb at 75 – Downwind of New Mexico’s “Dirty Bomb”: Tina Cordova, Joni Arends

NH #474: Trinity A-Bomb at 75 – Downwind of New Mexico’s “Dirty Bomb”: Tina Cordova, Joni Arends

Trinity downwinder Tina Cordova First photo of the Atomic Age – the Trinity atomic bomb test of July 16, 1945, 0.025 seconds after detonation. This Week’s Featured Interviews: Trinity Downwinders advocating for justice: Tina Cordova grew up in her family home in the Tularosa Basin, 40 miles from the explosion of the first atomic bomb…

NH #473: Church Rock Uranium Tailings Pond Breach Disaster in Navajo Nation – 40th Anniversary SPECIAL ENCORE: Elders, Activists Speak Out

NH #473: Church Rock Uranium Tailings Pond Breach Disaster in Navajo Nation – 40th Anniversary SPECIAL ENCORE: Elders, Activists Speak Out

Church Rock 40th anniversary commemoration, July 16, 2019 –former Uranium Miner Larry J. King (center) explains the site of the 1979 Church Rock uranium tailings pond breach.  This under-reported radioactive disaster dumped more than 94 million gallons of uranium-contaminated waste water into the adjacent Puerco River.  Now 41 years later, it has yet to be…

NH #471: Radioactivity/Radiation Refresher Course: Joseph Mangano & Dr. Gordon Edwards

Radiation/Radioactivity symbol – For an update on what we need to know about what it does to us so others can understand the fight against all things nuclear.   Listen Here: [powerpress]   This Week’s Featured Interviews: Joseph Mangano is a health researcher, an epidemiologist who has served as a director of Radiation and Public…

NH #466: Navajo Nation Covid/Uranium Contamination Connection: Janene Yazzie

Navajo Nation’s Janene Yazzie, protesting the missing and dead Navajo women, working on uranium mining/contamination issues, and now on the front lines of covid pandemic relief  This Week’s Featured Interview:  Navajo Nation’s Janene Yazzie is a community organizer and human rights advocate who has worked on development and energy issues with indigenous communities across the…

NH #456: Covid19/Radiation Parallels + Radiation’s Disproportionate Impact on Women, Little Girls – Mary Olson

NH #456: Covid19/Radiation Parallels + Radiation’s Disproportionate Impact on Women, Little Girls – Mary Olson

Covid 19/Radiation Parallels + Radiation’s Disproportionate Impact on Women, Little Girls – Mary Olson This Week’s Featured Interviews: A CoVid19 UPDATE – How is the growing pandemic impacting the nuclear and anti-nuclear world? A FINAL THOUGHT on on how the impact of CoVid19 may feel familiar to those who have been following nuclear issues, especially…