NH #61: Mary Olson of NIRS.org on Nuclear Waste; “Terrorist” 82-Year Old Nun Assaults Nuke Facility w/a Bible!

 Interview:  Mary Olson, Director of Southeast Office of NIRS.org, on what the June 8 DC court ruling means to the battle against nuclear waste production (meaning reactors and their radioactive legacy).  This woman is a clear, concise powerhouse! News: 82-year-old “terrorist” nun breaks into Oak Ridge nuclear facility armed w/a Bible, candles and spray paint. …

NH #60 – NRC Freezes Nuclear Reactor Construction, Plus Kevin Kamps on Reactor Waste

Interview w/Kevin Kamps of Beyond Nuclear on radioactive waste storage problems, options, how we got in this mess and what if anything can be done about this ever-lasting health menace. www.BeyondNuclear.org BREAKING NEWS – NRC freezes all nuclear reactor construction and operating licenses!  PLUS: San Diego’s COPS (Citizens Oversight Projects) challenges San Onofre’s failure to…

NH #59: Consciousness Raising for West Hollywood Mayor’s Office

PLUS: Japanese anti-nuke demonstrators get pushy at their Parliament building; Extreme increase in mortality from heart attacks in Japan since Fukushima disaster began; Southern California Edison laying plans to restart San Onofre by November while activists prepare to launch their “Hell, no!”; US nuclear power production at 9-year low because of heat and drought; Anti-radiation…

NH #57 – Filmmaker Chris Noland, CA’s Radioactive Almonds & Prunes

Interview w/filmmaker Chris Noland (NOT Christopher Nolan from “Batman”),who recorded the first months after Fukushima as a relief worker in thefield. His film, “311 Surviving Japan” is in post-production and alreadygarnering overwhelming response in preview screenings. PLUS: 170,000 march against nuclear energy and the Oi restart in Japan; KEPCO cooked the energy books, turning off…

NH #56: Fukushima Activist Chieko Shiina, Czechs Help “Radiation Refugees”

FEATURED: Report on Fukushima resident and activist Chieko Shiina’s heartrending presentation on current life in Japan and Fukushima, along with information on how to help her start a Children’s Clinic to address pressing health problems. PLUS: Fukushima determined by Japanese committee to be “a man-made disaster” (incompetence can do that!); TEPCO top execs resign… only…

NH #55 – Oi Restarts in Spite of Protests and Seismic Dangers, Sept. National Anti-Nukes Actions in DC

Get the inside scoop on this September’s Coalition Against Nukes rally and actions in Washington, D.C. from Dr. Heidi Hutner and Michael Leonardi, long time anti-nuclear activists serving as coordinators for the event. Plus: Japanese scientists share earthquake data and dire predictions as KEPCO restarts the Oi reactors; Fukushima Unit 4 a mere gasket failure…

NH #54 – The Battle for Indian Point (NYC) and Activist Legal Strategies w/Susan Hito Shapiro

MUST LISTEN!  Slammer interview w/environmental attorney Susan Hito Shapiro on the battle to shut down Indian Point near NYC, plus some legal strategies applicable for anti-nuke activists throughout the country. Plus: 45,000 Japanese protest at PM Noda’s front door against Oi nuclear restart, which has already been plagued by 27 WARNING ALARMS GOING OFF!; TILT! …

NH #53 – Radiation Monitoring Devices and Crowd-Sourced Readings

Dr. Bill Cardozo of CreativeElectron.com and Darin McClure of SanOnofre.com on radiation monitors, what they’ll do and won’t do, crowd-source radiation monitoring and how to hook up some monitors directly to the Internet for real-time result posting. Radiation 101 classes the last Saturday of each month, w/streaming video and online posting available at: www.CreativeElectron.com. Plus:…