NH #107: Food/Radiation Update w/FFAN’s Kim Roberson, Sean Witzling

INTERVIEW:  Kimberly Roberson — nutritionist, author and founder of the Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network (FFAN)  on the latest in food/radiation safety, plus the new FFAN petition with the FDA to get “allowable” radiation limits dropped.  She’s joined by Sean Witzling of Citizens for Health, who explains this new petition process.  Once you’ve listened, go sign…

NH #106: Keegan: Ohio’s Davis-Besse follows SanO Lead; MamaBears, Native Elders Protest Grand Canyon Uranium Mining

INTERVIEWS: Michael Keegan, Chair of the Coalition for a Nuclear-Free Great Lakes, fills us in on how San Onofre strategy will impact the campaign to shut down Davis-Besse in Ohio.      Links: Beyond Nuclear – http://www.beyondnuclear.org/ Citizens Environment Alliance SW Ontario – http://www.citizensenvironmentalliance.org/ Don’t Waste Michigan – http://dwmi.homestead.com/ Sierra Club Ohio – http://ohiosierraclub.org/ MamaBears Brigade’s…

NH #105: EXCLUSIVE Naoto Kan Interview

The Boys and Girls on the Nuclear Bus, June 4, 2013: (l-r) Gregory Jaczko, Kendra Ulrich, Cathy Iwane, PM Naoto Kan, Arnie Gundersen, Shaun Burnie, Peter Bradford, Eric Pica http://lhalevy.audioacrobat.com/download/NuclearHotseat105-EXCLUSIVENaotoKan.mp3  FEATURED INTERVIEW: In this Nuclear Hotseat Exclusive, former Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan shares about his anti-nuclear political moves in Japan, social media, and makes…

NH #103: HISTORIC ANTI-NUKE SUMMIT: Hon. Naoto Kan, Jaczko, Bradford, Gundersen

FEATURING: “The Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Disaster: Lessons for California from Former Japanese Prime Minister Kan” was a public meeting of historic consequence for the anti-nuclear movement.  This week, we cover the speeches of the Hon. Naoto Kan and former Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chair Gregory Jaczko, plus an interview with event visionary and organizer Torgen Johnson and…

NH #102: NUCLEAR GANDHI – Nonviolent India Rebels Against Nuclear; w/Kumar Sundaram

FEATURED INTERVIEW: Kumar Sundaram, Research Consultant with India’s Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace, (CNDP) on the Indian government’s violent repression of the non-violent anti-nuclear movement, Japan’s push to sell nuclear technology to India; and the country’s massive, growing anti-nuclear movement. NUMNUTZ OF THE WEEK: A video is worth a thousand words… As George Takei…

NH #101: Hanford Spotlight w/PSR’s Daniel Noonan, Food Safety w/organic farmer Paul Frey

FEATURED INTERVIEWS: Daniel Noonan of Washington state Physicians for Social Responsibility fills us in on history of the Hanford Nuclear Site, with its leaks threatening the Columbia River and the entire Pacific Northwest.  Includes information on this week’s Public Meeting on Hanford to be held on May 23 at the Husky Union Building at the…

NH #99: San Onofre Heats Up: Friends of the Earth’s Kendra Ulrich

INTERVIEWS:  Kendra Ulrich, Nuclear Campaigner for Friends of the Earth, who explains what it’s like to stand up solo and face down the Nuclear Regulatory Commission on their home turf — and what the macro conversation is about getting San Onofre shut down. Nuclear videographer Myla Reson asks Rep. Henry Waxman tough questions and gets…

NH #98: LaSalle SCRAMS x4; Will Chicagoans Have to Scram? NEIS’ Gail Snyder, Andrew Kishner

Nuclear Engineering at San Onofre (Photo: 10 News San Diego) INTERVIEW: When the LaSalle Nuclear Power Plant 125 miles from Chicago got hit with lightning on April 17, it set up a series of emergency shut-downs, unvented gas releases, and an untold amount of radiation let loose in the environment.  The issues are complex and deeply…

NH #95: Radiation & Food Safety: FFAN Actions w/Cindy Folkers, Mary Beth Brangan

INTERVIEW:  Radiation from Fukushima, nuclear reactors and leftover atmospheric testing continue to compromise the safety of our food.  Learn the dangers of radiation contamination — and how to take action — from two members of the Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network (FFAN): Cindy Folkers of Beyond Nuclear and Mary Beth Brangan of EON (Ecological Options Network). …