NH #335: “Chernobyl Disaster in a Can” – 73 Vulnerable-To-Cracking Radioactive Waste Canisters Set for CA Ocean-Front Burial at San Onofre:  Donna Gilmore

NH #335: “Chernobyl Disaster in a Can” – 73 Vulnerable-To-Cracking Radioactive Waste Canisters Set for CA Ocean-Front Burial at San Onofre: Donna Gilmore

This Week’s Featured Interview: Donna Gilmore of SanOnofreSafety.org reports on Southern California Edison’s plans to bury 1,800 tons – that’s 3,600,000 pounds <!> of high-level radioactive waste a mere 36 yards from high tide in canisters that are vulnerable to cracking in 2 years and leaking within 20 years.  Each one contains a Chernobyl disaster’s…

NH #334: Sen. Corker Challenges President’s Authority to First-Strike Nukes – PSR’s Martin Fleck was In the Room Where it Happened, Cong. Ted Lieu on Nuke Use Legalities + FUKUSHIMA UPDATE w/Nancy Foust

This Week’s Featured Interviews: Martin Fleck, Security Program Director for Physicians for Social Responsibility, spoke with Nuclear Hotseat less than an hour after his attendance at today’s Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing chaired by Sen. Bob Corker, which confronted the president’s – any president’s – authority to use nuclear weapons. Congressman Ted Lieu’s presentation on…

NH #333: Kids, Leukemia, Power Lines & Nukes + Why Hiroshima Life Span Study is “Rubbish”: Chris Busby

Featured image:  Prof. Chris Busby (r) with the late Alexey Yablakov,editor of Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment This Week’s Featured Interview: Prof. Chris Busby is a British scientist and activist known for his work on the health effects of ionizing radiation.  He often appears in UK court as an expert…

NH #332: N. St. Louis Nuclear Nightmare Explodes in Powerful “Atomic Homefront” Documentary – Director Rebecca Cammisa, Just Moms Dawn Chapman, Robbin Ellison Dailey

This Week’s Featured Interviews: Focus this week is on “Atomic Homefront,” a documentary about the families in North St. Louis fighting against radioactive contamination of their homes from the illegally buried WWII nuclear weapons waste in  Westlake Landfill — and the underground fire at the adjacent Bridgeton Landfill that can’t be put out and is…

NH #331: UN/WHO Chernobyl LIES – Suppression of Critical Yablakov Book w/Devastating Stats – Alison Katz of Independent WHO

Listen Here: [powerpress] This Week’s Featured Interview: Alison Katz of Independent WHO, again helps us understand why the dangers released by Chernobyl have been so downplayed for decades.  In her second major interview for Nuclear Hotseat, she reveals the suppression and  dis-information campaign against the book Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the…

NH #330: Nuclear Winter: The Inescapable, Devastating Aftermath of Nuclear Bombs – Steven Starr

Featured Image:  Cartoon by Khalil Bendib, OtherWords.com This Week’s Featured Interview: Steven Starr is a senior scientist with Physicians for Social Responsibility and an Associate of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation. www.NuclearDarkness.org Make sure you check out the Firestorm Simulator. NukeMap – Find out what a nuclear bomb of any size would do to your, yes…

NH #329: Bob Alvarez Decodes N. Korea & Nukes + ICAN Wins Nobel Peace Prize! YAY!

This Week’s Featured Interview: The Nobel Peace Prize announcement from Oslo, Norway, and press conference interview with Beatrice Fihn, Executive Director of ICAN – International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons. Straight talk on North Korea from Bob Alvarez, a senior scholar at the Institute for Policy Studies, who served as a senior policy advisor to…

NH #327: North UK Nuke Waste Storage Fightback – Marianne Birkby + “Man Who Saved the World” from Nuclear Holocaust Dies

Featured Image:  Stanislav Petrov, “The Man Who Saved the World” (1936-2017) This Week’s Featured Interview: Marianne Birkby is a wildlife artist who founded Radiation Free Lakeland in 2008 to oppose geological dumping of nuclear waste and new nuclear developments in Cumbria in the UK.  The groups aim is nuclear safety and that has recently included…

NH #326: Hometown Nuclear Activist Beats Goliath: Patty Ameno vs. NUMEC

Never doubt that a single activistcan make all the difference in the world.  This week’s featured interview: Never doubt that a single activist can make all the difference in the world.  Patty Ameno grew up in Apollo, Pennsylvania, 35 miles NE of Pittsburgh, not realizing that her childhood home was directly across the street from…