NH #128: Talkin’ Nuke Trash w/Beyond Nuclear’s Kevin Kamps

INTERVIEW:  KEVIN KAMPS is Radioactive Waste Watchdog forBeyond Nuclear.  He specializes in high-level waste management and transportation; new and existing reactors; decommissioning; Congress watch; climate change; federal subsidies — in other words, all the complex issues at the top of the nuclear-industrial-governmental food chain. NUMNUTZ OF THE WEEK:  TEPCO, Fukushima Prefecture AND the Japan Football…

NH #127: Nuclear Refugee Setsuko Kida

INTERVIEW IN JAPANESE HERE: 第127回のリビーハリビーのニュークリアホットシートは福島第一原発避難民木田節子さんへのインタビューです。 このリンクは日本人の為に日本語のみに編集したものです。 木田さんには原発事故発生時の経験や日本の原子力政策に反対する声を上げることになった経緯や今回のアメリカ訪問についてお話ししていただきます。 彼女は活動家のネットワークからの要請を受け、福島第一原発事故直後に空母ロナルドレーガンの乗組員が高レベルの放射線被曝をし健康被害を受けたとして東 京電力を訴えている件で彼らを支援するためにやってきました。 http://lhalevy.audioacrobat.com/download/aa5dde9a-7fbf-4ca7-9b8e-b877a9b8b7b7.mp3 INTERVIEW:  Setsuko Kida, a “nuclear refugee” from Fukushima, lived midway between Fukushima Daiichi and Fukushima Daiini when the nuclear disaster began in 2011.  She’s been in the U.S. to support the sailors of the USS Ronald Reagan in their lawsuit against TEPCO for health-destroying radiation…

NH #126: Wasserman, Gundersen on TEPCO, SFP4 & Activism NOW

Spent Fuel Pool 4 at Fukushima INTERVIEW:  Harvey Wasserman has been an anti-nuclear/pro-alternative energy activist for more than 40 years.  He’s author or co-author of a dozen books, writes for the Huffington Post and edits the www.nukefree.org website. His Green Power & Wellness Show is at www.progressiveradionetwork.com.  Harvey Wasserman (in cap) and friends delivering 150,000…

NH #124: Pandora/Schmandora; We’ve Got the Uranium Film Festival!

INTERVIEW:  Norbert Suchanek is the founder and General Director of the Uranium Film Festival, which covers all aspects of the nuclear issue.   A native of Germany, Suchanek is a journalist, author, filmmaker and activist living in Rio de Janeiro.  He shares with Nuclear Hotseat listeners how the festival got started, his vision for an international nuclear…

NH #123: Nuclear Halloween Fright House!

http://lhalevy.audioacrobat.com/download/e35ece8c-cc97-1261-4652-28535e758597.mp3 SPECIAL FEATURE:  NUCLEAR FRIGHT HOUSE!  BWA-HA-HA-HA-!  What’s spookier than Nuclear?  Hear what almost two dozen activists from both caosts name as their worst nightmares about nuclear.  Then, Donna Gilmore of SanOnofreSafety.org, Dr. Arjun Makhijani, Dr. Marvin Renikoff and Dr. Don Mosher share the scariest information of all about nuclear waste at San Onofre as…

Nh #122: Puncturing Pandora’s Propaganda w/Beyond Nuclear’s Linda Gunter

    LISTEN HERE: DOWNLOAD HERE: http://lhalevy.audioacrobat.com/download/abec57e9-a9cb-6e76-e78f-ec9f5c756a1c.mp3   INTERVIEW:  Beyond Nuclear’s Linda Gunter, Physicians for Social Responsibility’s John W. Rachow and nuclear physicist Dr. M.V. Ramana give us the facts to counter CNN’s November airings of the pro-nuclear propaganda film “Pandora’s Promise.” Listen to learn how you can be ready to counter the lies, distortions,…

NH #121: Nuclear Nader, but Can Kan? “Fukushima Lessons Learned” Events

  LISTEN HERE: DOWNLOAD HERE: http://lhalevy.audioacrobat.com/download/4df606bd-72d4-6267-1ef6-811b69b3e414.mp3   SPECIAL REPORT: On-scene reports from the two Fukushima: Ongoing Lessons Events for Indian Point NPP in New York and Pilgrim NPP in Massachusetts.  Hear from Ralph Nader, Arnie Gundersen, Jean-Michel Cousteau and more! Nuclear Hotseat producer/host Libbe HaLevy w/a man she has grown to respect: former NRC Chair…

NH #120: Nuclear Self-Deception w/ Dennis Riches & Great Lakes Nuke Dump w/Michael Leonardi

    LISTEN HERE:   DOWNLOAD HERE: http://lhalevy.audioacrobat.com/download/2b3c0142-0034-8c6a-7541-4e43e88505d5.mp3   INTERVIEWS: Dennis Riches, Tokyo resident and blogger at Nuclear Free by 2045 (nf2045.blogspot.com), on the psychology of nuclear self-deception, post-Fukushima life in Japan, and why he didn’t return to Canada with his wife and kids after the disaster began. Michael Leonardi of Toledo Coalition for Safe…