NH #276: NUKES IN SPACE – Bruce Gagnon of Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space

This Week’s Featured Interview: Bruce Gagnon, secretary/coordinator of Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space, is one of the hearts and minds behind the Keep Space for Peace! week activities, being held right now, October 1 through 8, around the world.  In this extended interview, Bruce talks about the nuclearization of space, the…

NH #275: West Lake Update w/Byron DeLear, NM Holtec “Interim” Waste Dump? – Don Hancock

This Week’s Featured Interviews: Byron DeLear lives near the West Lake Landfill and has been passionately involved in its clean-up, as well as being active in clean energy issues as chairman and CEO of Energy Equity Funding. He is a columnist with Examiner.com and is currently running for state representative from the 40th District, which…

NH #274: Journalism’s Fukushima Coverage Failures w/Prof. Celine-Marie Pascale, Shaun McGee in UK on Sellafield Documentary’s Hot Impact, and Excellence in Journalism Report

This Week’s Featured Interviews: Prof. Celine-Marie Pascale of American University in Washington, D.C. is a sociologist who did a study of mainstream media coverage in the first two years after Fukushima – and not only are her observations stunning, she’s got the data to back them up.  Originally presented on Nuclear Hotseat #203, May 2,…

NH #273: USA Nuclear Wild West – Grand Canyon Uranium Mining w/Sierra Club’s Gitlin, HEAL Utah’s Pacenza on Green River Nukes + BREAKING: Pilgrim Shutdown Protest Arrests – Diane Turco

This Week’s Featured Interviews: BREAKING:  After last week’s latest SCRAM emergency shutdown at the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant in Massachusetts, Diane Turco of Cape Downwinders and two others were arrested after delivering a letter demanding permanent shutdown to Mass. Governor Baker.  Nuclear Hotseat spoke with Diane immediately after her arraignment hearing.  Also in the news: …

NH #272: EXCLUSIVE! USS Reagan v. TEPCO Hearing – Attorneys, Survivors + John Edwards

This Week’s EXCLUSIVE Interviews: Nuclear Hotseat Producer/Host Libbe HaLevy attended the US 9th District Court Hearing on USS Reagan Sailors v. Tokyo Electric Power Company.  The sailors were on an humanitarian aid mission to Japan following the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, which caused the Fukushima Daiichi triple meltdowns.  TEPCO never informed the US Navy…

NH #270: Niagara Falls’ Dirty Nuke Secrets w/Lou Ricciuti + Myla Reson on Diablo Canyon Info Anniversary

This Week’s Featured Interviews: Lou Ricciuti has been a nuclear researcher, writer and speaker for nearly 20 years on the radioactive waste-stream generated by Niagara Falls’ vast involvement in the earliest days of the Atomic Age. Veteran anti-nuclear activist Myla Reson reminds us of the leaked report from Nuclear Regulator Commission’s Dr. Michael Peck saying…

NH #269: Australia – World’s Nuke Waste Dump? Pt. 2 w/Dave Sweeney + N. St. Louis EPA “Die-In” + European Nukes w/Shaun McGee

This Week’s Featured Interviews: Dave Sweeney is the national nuclear campaigner for the Australian Conservation Foundation.  This week, we get to the heart of the international manipulation – dare I call it a conspiracy? – to dump the world’s nuclear waste in the land down under.  It includes LATE BREAKING NEWS of the international manipulations…

NH #268 – Australia: Nuke Waste Dump to the World? Dave Sweeney –

This Week’s Featured Interview: Dave Sweeney has been active in the uranium mining and nuclear debate for two decades through his work with the media, trade unions and environment groups on mining, resource and indigenous issues. He works as a national nuclear campaigner for the Australian Conservation Foundation and holds a vision of a nuclear…

NH #267: INDIAN POINT Film – Former NRC Chair Jaczko, Director Meeropol

This Week’s Featured Interviews: Filmmaker, subject and activists converged at the Los Angeles run of the documentary, INDIAN POINT, an exploration of nuclear issues seen through the lens of the two aging nuclear reactors located only 25 miles from New York City. We talk with director Ivy Meeropol about what led her to devote four…