NH #377: Space Force has Nazi Roots?! Bruce Gagnon & Space4Peace

Space Force – will it make the U.S. the Evil Empire?Global Network’s 2018 Keep Space for Peace week poster. This Week’s Featured Interview: SPACE FORCE / EVIL FORCE?  Bruce Gagnon, Co-Founder and Secretary/Coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space, and a 30 year veteran of actions against nuclear weaponry and…

United Nations Lies

NH #376: United Nations Lies re: Fukushima Radiation – Dr. Alex Rosen, IPPNW REDUX

This Week’s Featured Interview: Dr. Alex Rosen is a German pediatrician and Vice President of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War in Germany. We spoke originally in July of 2014, just after the United Nations UNSCEAR report was released. LINK to Full IPPNW report in English, Critical Analysis of the UNSCEAR Report “Levels…

NH #375: Vermont Yankee Decommissioning Nightmares, San Onofre Update, Radiation vs. Radioactivity: Dr. Gordon Edwards

Vermont Yankee protest from 2012, two years prior to shut-down. This Week’s Featured Interviews: An update on problems being faced with the decommissioning of the Vermont Yankee nuclear reactor in Vermont.  Sandra Levine is senior attorney with the Conservation Law Foundation in Montpelier, Vermont, where her work focuses on climate change, clean energy, land use,…

NH #374: San Onofre SOS! Update on Accident Near-Miss w/Donna Gilmore + New Int’l Nuke News Source – Linda Pentz Gunter

San Onofre from the air shows how close storage silos are to the Pacific Ocean. This Week’s Featured Interviews: San Onofre Safety‘s Donna Gilmore tells what she tried to say to Southern California Edison at the August 9 Community EnRagement, uh, Engagement Panel when the “experts” shouted her down.  More scary information on how the nuclear…


San Onofre Demonstration in San Clemente, CA, August 12, 2018 SAN ONOFRE NUCLEAR NEAR-MISSA Nuclear Hotseat Full-Length SPECIAL  Featuring: Charles Langley and Nina Babiarz of PublicWatchdogs return to Nuclear Hotseat to paint the picture of how Southern California Edison, Holtec, and the NRC continue to mishandle the forever-deadly radioactive legacy of San Onofre. The shocking…

NH #372: Hiroshima/Nagasaki Commemoration – Daniel Ellsberg, Hibakusha Setsuko Thurlow, Marylia Kelley of Tri-Valley CARES

Hiroshima watch frozen at the exact time the atomic bomb landedon August 6, 1945. Hiroshima/Nagasaki Commemoration: Marylia Kelley, executive director of Tri-Valley CARES, explains the group’s special focus on the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory and its annual August 6 March for Nuclear Abolition and Global Survival. Daniel Ellsberg, best known for releasing the Pentagon Papers and author…

NH #371: Nuclear Trainwreck: Radwaste Transport Dangers Exposed! – Donna Gilmore of San Onofre Safety

Nuclear Trainwreck? – San Onofre high level radioactive wastelurks just above and behind Pacific Ocean high tide mark –and proposed rail transport is a “mobile Chernobyl” disaster just waiting to happen. This Week’s Featured Interview: “Nuclear trainwreck” – Let’s hope that’s a metaphor, not a future reality!  Donna Gilmore is  founder and head of San…

NH #370: Congress Meets Hard Nuclear Decommissioning Truths – SPECIAL: DC Briefing, Education/Lobbying w/Kevin Kamps, Dave Kraft, Manna Jo Greene

Congress briefing pros Kevin Kamps (l) of Beyond Nuclear andIan Zabarte of the Western Shoshone tribelet DC insiders know a genuine nuclear truth.Photo by Galen Tromble SPECIAL REPORT:Two Days with Congress: DC Briefing, Education/Lobbying on Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants This Week’s Featured Interviews: Kevin Kamps is the Nuclear Waste Specialist for Beyond Nuclear, and when…

NH #368: FALLOUT: Int’l Nuclear Disasters, Lies & Secrecy with Author Fred Pearce

FALLOUT: Disasters, Lies and the Nuclear Age by Fred Pearceincludes, of course, Chernobyl, pictured here immediately after the disaster began. This Week’s Featured Interview: Fred Pearce is an English journalist based in London. He is a science writer, reporting on the environment, popular science, and development issues from 64 countries over the past 20 years,…