NH #596: Nuclear Reactor Radiation Health Impact on Kids – New Baby Tooth Study – Joseph Mangano

NH #596: Nuclear Reactor Radiation Health Impact on Kids – New Baby Tooth Study – Joseph Mangano

Nuclear Reactor Radiation Health Impact on Kids – New Baby Tooth Study – Epidemiologist Joseph Mangano This Week’s Featured Interview: Joseph Mangano is a health researcher who has served Radiation and Public Health Project (RPHP) since 1989. Mangano is author or co-author of 33 medical journal articles on radiation health, and is the author of…

NH #594: Never-Ending Three Mile Island Decommissioning UPDATE: Eric Epstein

NH #594: Never-Ending Three Mile Island Decommissioning UPDATE: Eric Epstein

Never Ending Three Mile Island Decommissioning UPDATE: Eric Epstein Eric Epstein of Three Mile Island Alert with Nuclear Hotseat’s Libbe HaLevy. At TMI 40th anniversary commemoration, 2019. This Week’s Featured Interview: Eric Epstein is the Chairman of Three Mile Island Alert, Inc., a safe-energy organization based in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and founded in 1977. TMIA monitors…

NH #593: Nuclear War & Medical Impacts – Dr. Helen Caldicott’s Oscar-Winning Film “If You Love This Planet”

NH #593: Nuclear War & Medical Impacts – Dr. Helen Caldicott’s Oscar-Winning Film “If You Love This Planet”

“If You Love This Planet” – Dr. Helen Caldicott’s Oscar-Winner on Medical Impact of Nuclear War This Week’s SPECIAL Featured Interview: Dr. Helen Caldicott has probably done more to make the public around the world aware of the dangers of nuclear weapons, nuclear war, nuclear reactors and the entire nuclear fuel chain than any other…

NH #591: Nuclear Weapons & the UN Treaty to Ban Them – Ray Acheson

NH #591: Nuclear Weapons & the UN Treaty to Ban Them – Ray Acheson

Nuclear Weapons & the UN Treaty to Ban Them: Ray Acheson This Week’s Featured Interview: Two years ago, October 24th 2020, the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons was ratified by the 50th member nation and thus qualified for implementation as international law. To mark this anniversary, we’re revisiting an interview we…

NH #588: Increased Child Leukemia Rates near Nuclear Reactors: Dr. Ian Fairlie

NH #588: Increased Child Leukemia Rates near Nuclear Reactors: Dr. Ian Fairlie

Increased Child Leukemia Rates Near Nuclear Reactors: Dr. Ian Fairlie This Week’s Featured Interview: Child leukemia rates near nuclear reactors have been shown to increase in 2014 report by Dr. Ian Fairlie. He is an independent consultant on radioactivity in the environment living in London UK and has studied radiation and radioactivity at least since the Chernobyl accident in…

NH #572 – Dr. Caldicott 2015 Symposium on Possible Nuclear Extinction

NH #572 – Dr. Caldicott 2015 Symposium on Possible Nuclear Extinction

This Week’s Special Feature: In 2015, Dr. Helen Caldicott brought together world experts for two day Symposium on Possible Nuclear Extinction. Meeting at the New York Academy of Science, experts in nuclear policy, politics, the impact of radiation on life, nuclear winter, weaponry joined forces to speak on the exact nature of the nuclear dangers…

NH #571: Nuclear Activism and Social Media Messaging – Colleen Moore

NH #571: Nuclear Activism and Social Media Messaging – Colleen Moore

This Week’s Featured Interview: Nuclear Activism and Social Media Messaging:  Colleen Moore is Digital Engagement Manager for Beyond the Bomb and Global Zero.  She creates content to promote the message of eliminating nuclear weapons and has experience in campaigning for justice and peace issues, including: ending U.S. support for the war in Yemen; promoting human…

NH #569: Nuclear Icon Dr. Helen Caldicott to Biden: Let’s talk! – Pt. 2

NH #569: Nuclear Icon Dr. Helen Caldicott to Biden: Let’s talk! – Pt. 2

This Week’s Featured Interview: Nuclear icon Dr. Helen Caldicott is an Australian physician, author, and for six decades has been one of the world’s most important anti-nuclear advocates. She revived or founded several associations, including Physicians for Social Responsibility and International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War. Caldicott is dedicated to opposing the use…

Reference Man Standard for Radiation Exposure

NH #525: Reference Man Standard for Radiation Exposure Inadequate for Women, Girls, Boys – Mary Olson, Dave Lochbaum

This Week’s Featured Interview: Reference Man is the standard first developed in 1949 to establish maximum permissible amounts of radioactive materials in the human body.  BUT because humans are so diverse in age, gender, weight, height, lifestyles, geographic locations and other factors, no Reference Man definition can possibly reflect anything other than a scant few…