NH #667: Outrageous Nuclear Bailouts -$14+ Billion of YOUR Tax Dollars & Counting! – Nuclear Waste Watchdog Kevin Kamps

NH #667: Outrageous Nuclear Bailouts -$14+ Billion of YOUR Tax Dollars & Counting! – Nuclear Waste Watchdog Kevin Kamps

Nuclear Bailout chart compiled by Environmental Working Group. This Week’s Featured Interview: Kevin Kamps Links from Interview: The Monthly ICAN UPDATE on the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons Alistair Burnett, Head of Media for the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) reports the latest on the Treaty from ICAN headquarters in Geneva,…

NH #666:  SPECIAL: Three Mile Island Nuclear Meltdown Anniversary – Timeline of the Accident, The Endless Future

NH #666: SPECIAL: Three Mile Island Nuclear Meltdown Anniversary – Timeline of the Accident, The Endless Future

Three Mile Island Alert’s Eric Epstein (l) and Nuclear Hotseat’s Libbe HaLevy, pictured at TMI’s 40th anniversary conference held in Harrisburg, PA, in late March, 2019. This week’s full-length Three Mile Island Anniversary SPECIAL features interviews with: Our thanks to filmmaker Robert (Robbie) Leppzer, producer of the two-hour audio documentary Voices from Three Mile Island,…

NH #664:  Keep Your Money Out of Nukes! Anti-Nuclear Financial Fitness w/Domini’s Mary Beth Gallagher

NH #664: Keep Your Money Out of Nukes! Anti-Nuclear Financial Fitness w/Domini’s Mary Beth Gallagher

This Week’s Featured Interview: Mary Beth Gallagher Links mentioned during the interview: Nuclear Hotseat Hot Story with Linda Pentz Gunter A Hollywood letter calling for an end to nuclear weapons was the initiative of an organization that promotes nuclear power. No two thumbs up to that. And here’s a LINK to Linda Pentz Gunter’s article on this…

NH #663: SPECIAL:  VOICES FROM JAPAN, Fukushima at 13, Quakes + Nukes = Nuclear UNsafety – Beverly Findlay-Kaneko

NH #663: SPECIAL: VOICES FROM JAPAN, Fukushima at 13, Quakes + Nukes = Nuclear UNsafety – Beverly Findlay-Kaneko

Nuclear Hotseat’s annual Fukushima Anniversary SPECIAL: VOICES FROM JAPAN this year considers earthquake dangers to Japan’s nuclear reactors. In addition to an update on Fukushima, it focuses on the January 1, 2024 Noto Peninsula quake which shook the two Shika nuclear reactors, one of them beyond what it was built to be able to sustain….

NH #662:  Belly of the Beast: LASG’s Greg Mello at DC Nuclear Deterrence Summit + NEW!  ICAN Update

NH #662: Belly of the Beast: LASG’s Greg Mello at DC Nuclear Deterrence Summit + NEW! ICAN Update

This Week’s Featured Interview: A networking session, with trade booths, at the 2024 Nuclear Deterrence Summit in DC. Each of those tables costs $6,000 – $7,500 for 90 minutes of branding. Logo keychains, anyone? Links referenced in this interview: NEW FEATURE: The ICAN Update – From the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons The ICAN…

NH #659: Nuclear Clean-Up Lies, Tricks & Secrets – It’s all the same! Melissa Bumstead on Santa Susana Field Lab in CA, Vina Colley on Piketon/Portsmouth in Ohio

NH #659: Nuclear Clean-Up Lies, Tricks & Secrets – It’s all the same! Melissa Bumstead on Santa Susana Field Lab in CA, Vina Colley on Piketon/Portsmouth in Ohio

This Week’s Featured Interviews: Vina Colley – Portsmouth/Piketon Residents for Environmental Safety and Security Melissa Biumstead – Parents Against Santa Susana Field Lab Burn pit at Santa Susana Filed Labs Area 1, which was supposed to begin on Monday, Feb. 5 but was delayed by the massive rainstorm and flooding. Historical photo from Parents Against…

NH #658: Int’l Uranium Film Festival Coming to US, Canada! – Norbert Suchanek + Holtec Illegally Evaporating Pilgrim RadWater in MA – Diane Turco

NH #658: Int’l Uranium Film Festival Coming to US, Canada! – Norbert Suchanek + Holtec Illegally Evaporating Pilgrim RadWater in MA – Diane Turco

Int’l Uranium Film Festival Coming to US, Canada! – Norbert Suchanek + Holtec Illegally Evaporating Pilgrim Radwater in MA – Diane Turco This Week’s Featured Interviews: (l-r) International Uranium Film Festival Co-founders and Directors Marcîa Gomes de Oliviera and Norbert Suchanek, and Nuclear Hotseat’s Libbe HaLevy at the 2023 IUFF in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil…

NH #656: Nobel Peace Prize-winning ICAN’s New Exec. Director Melissa Parke, Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons

NH #656: Nobel Peace Prize-winning ICAN’s New Exec. Director Melissa Parke, Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons

International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) new Executive Director, Melissa Parke (L) interviewed by Nuclear Hotseat’s Libbe HaLevy This Week’s Featured Interview: Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness): So many numnutz to choose from! The Congressional “comprehensive” 160-page review of nuclear arms build-up that doesn’t mention “waste” even once, or Atoms4Food <!>?…

NH #655:  Nuclear Weapons: US Stages Nukes in Non-Nuclear European States – John LaForge + UN TPNW Follow-Up

NH #655: Nuclear Weapons: US Stages Nukes in Non-Nuclear European States – John LaForge + UN TPNW Follow-Up

This Week’s Featured Interviews: A round-up of short featured interviews by outstanding anti-nuclear campaigners. Dr. Ivana Hughes, President, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation The Nukewatch Report with John LaForge The Nukewatch Report with John LaForge will appear once a month on Nuclear Hotseat. Nuclear Hotseat Hot Story with Linda Pentz Gunter The nukesters head-hunt Linda Pentz…