NH #691: Arctic Ice Melt & Nuclear Radiation Dangers: UK Marine Biologist Tim Deere-Jones

NH #691: Arctic Ice Melt & Nuclear Radiation Dangers: UK Marine Biologist Tim Deere-Jones

This Week’s Featured Interview: The next United Nations Climate Change conference, COP 29, is scheduled to be held in Baku, Azerbaijan from 11 to 22 November, 2024 – an annual bone tossed to those who are striving to reverse the climate catastrophe despite not having any power to do so. Incessant pro-nuclear doubletalk has infested…

NH #689: Depleted Uranium Weapons in Russia, Ukraine… Israel?  Jack Cohen-Joppa of the Nuclear Resister with Verifiable Info

NH #689: Depleted Uranium Weapons in Russia, Ukraine… Israel? Jack Cohen-Joppa of the Nuclear Resister with Verifiable Info

This Week’s Featured Interview: Links from the Interview: Nuclear Hotseat Hot Story with Linda Pentz Gunter: Russia’s war in Ukraine has put another nuclear power plant in danger: their own. The ICAN Update with Alistair Burnett Monthly update on issues and actions regarding the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear War from ICAN –…

NH #688:  Trinity Downwinders’ Nuclear Legacy Exploded in Film: FIRST WE BOMBED NEW MEXICO –  Director Lois Lipman

NH #688: Trinity Downwinders’ Nuclear Legacy Exploded in Film: FIRST WE BOMBED NEW MEXICO – Director Lois Lipman

Poster for film FIRST WE BOMBED NEW MEXICO THIS WEEK’S FEATURED INTERVIEW: Downwinder Tina Cordova demonstrating outside entrance to Trinity site. From the film FIRST WE BOMBED NEW MEXICO. Links from Featured Interview: Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness): The Democrats went wild for Harris and Walz… but nobody was talking about nukes!…

NH #687: Radioactive Ohio School Auctioned Off to Christian Group + Canada Pushing for Nuclear Waste Repository on Indigenous Lands – Edwards, Petrone

NH #687: Radioactive Ohio School Auctioned Off to Christian Group + Canada Pushing for Nuclear Waste Repository on Indigenous Lands – Edwards, Petrone

Canada Pushing for Nuclear Waste Repository on Indigenous Lands: Tons of radioactive waste from nuclear reactor operation keeps piling up, with no resolution in sight. What to do with the waste? Canada has been making plans… but they’re bad ones. Here to explain how we got ourselves into this problem, what’s wrong with Canada’s current…

NH #686:  Reuters Investigation Blasts Govt. Agency Incompetence, Lies at N St. Louis Radioactive West Lake Landfill – Dawn Chapman

NH #686: Reuters Investigation Blasts Govt. Agency Incompetence, Lies at N St. Louis Radioactive West Lake Landfill – Dawn Chapman

Dawn Chapman of Just Moms StL (l) and Nuclear Hotseat host Libbe HaLevy at symposium on West Lake Landfill issues in North St. Louis, February 19, 2016. Keystone Photo – activists Dawn Chapman and Kay Drey on-site at radioactively contaminated Coldwater Creek in N. St. Louis, MO. February 19, 2016. This Week’s Featured Interview: Nuclear…

NH #685: Hiroshima, Nagasaki 79th Anniversary -“Atomic Cover-Up” film, Hibakusha Setsuko Thurlow accepts 2017 Nobel Peace Prize for ICAN

NH #685: Hiroshima, Nagasaki 79th Anniversary -“Atomic Cover-Up” film, Hibakusha Setsuko Thurlow accepts 2017 Nobel Peace Prize for ICAN

The remains of Hiroshima after the atomic bomb destroyed the city, 1945 ATOMIC COVER-UP – Director Greg Mitchell is the award-winning author of a dozen books including 2020’s “The Beginning or the End: How Hollywood–and America–Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.” His previous books on the atomic bombings were “Hiroshima in America“ (with…

NH #683:  Ohio Radiation Contamination – More Radioactive Water, Soil, Plants Found at Piketon/Portsmouth: Dr. Michael Ketterer

NH #683: Ohio Radiation Contamination – More Radioactive Water, Soil, Plants Found at Piketon/Portsmouth: Dr. Michael Ketterer

The shuttered Zahn’s Corner Middle School, shuttered for contamination with nuclear materials from the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant, only 3 miles away. And now the school district is trying to auction it off “AS-IS” without explaining what the “AS-IS” is?!?!??? This Week’s Featured Interview: To contact Dr. Michael Ketterer and Others Re: PORTS: Links: Fukushima…

NH #682: Ugly July 16 Nuclear Anniversaries:  Trinity Bomb Test, Church Rock Uranium Tailings Pond Disaster

NH #682: Ugly July 16 Nuclear Anniversaries: Trinity Bomb Test, Church Rock Uranium Tailings Pond Disaster

Annual walk to commemorate Church Rock uranium tailings pond disaster on Navajo Nation land – from 2019. Site of the mine and tailings pond in the background. This Week’s Featured Interviews: Trinity Downwinders Advocating for Justice – Tina Cordova: Trinity Downwinder Tina Cordova grew up in her family home in the Tularosa Basin, 40 miles…