Activists Getting Active

NH #507: Fukushima 10: Voices from Japan: THIS IS NOT “RECOVERY”

  Fukushima 10: Voices from Japan – The 9th edition of Nuclear Hotseat’s Voices from Japan features on-the-ground interviews with people working in or involved with Fukushima.  For the first time, we are posting the original interviews in Japanese (scroll down). The interviews on this episode of Nuclear Hotseat: Voices from Japan were based on…

Activists Getting Active

NH #506: Activists Getting Active! Vt. Yankee POWER STRUGGLE film – Robbie Leppzer + Mothers for Peace Rebuts Shameful New Yorker Article – Jane Swanson

This Week’s Featured Interviews: Activists getting active on multple fronts! Linda Seeley is a veteran member of the group San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace.  Here, she fills us in on how the New York article, The Activists who Embrace Nuclear (GAK!) was not researched with anyone connected with the group – meaning due diligence…