NH #655:  Nuclear Weapons: US Stages Nukes in Non-Nuclear European States – John LaForge + UN TPNW Follow-Up

NH #655: Nuclear Weapons: US Stages Nukes in Non-Nuclear European States – John LaForge + UN TPNW Follow-Up

This Week’s Featured Interviews: A round-up of short featured interviews by outstanding anti-nuclear campaigners. Dr. Ivana Hughes, President, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation The Nukewatch Report with John LaForge The Nukewatch Report with John LaForge will appear once a month on Nuclear Hotseat. Nuclear Hotseat Hot Story with Linda Pentz Gunter The nukesters head-hunt Linda Pentz…

NH #654: JAPAN QUAKE + Depleted Uranium Plume from Ukraine Hit UK – Dr. Chris Busby + DU Dangers – Damacio Lopez

NH #654: JAPAN QUAKE + Depleted Uranium Plume from Ukraine Hit UK – Dr. Chris Busby + DU Dangers – Damacio Lopez

Dr. Chris Busby, DU weapons expert Depleted Uranium Plume from Ukraine Hit UK – Dr. Chris Busby + DU Dangers – Damacio Lopez This Week’s Featured Interviews: Nuclear Hotseat Hot Story with Linda Pentz Gunter Leave the World Behind sends a metaphorical warning about the perils of ignoring existential threats — a good admonition about…

Anti-Nuclear Nun Sister Megan Rice

NH #652: HOLIDAY SPECIAL: Peace Hero Sr. Megan Rice on Y12/US “Uranium Fort Knox” Protest Break-In – A Nuclear Hotseat Classic

This Week’s Special Year-End Interviews: Let’s end the year with inspiration from the late Sr. Megan Rice and a way to effectively fight back against nukes with Susi Snyder of ICAN. Sister Megan Rice Susi Snyder: What You Can Do to Help De-Fund Nuclear Weapons

NH #651: TPNW SPECIAL, Pt. 2: US Congressman, Int’l Gov’t Reps Support Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty at UN

NH #651: TPNW SPECIAL, Pt. 2: US Congressman, Int’l Gov’t Reps Support Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty at UN

TPNW SPECIAL, Pt. 2: US Congressman, Int’l Gov’t Reps Support Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty at UN (l-r) State Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa, MA; US Congressional Rep. Jim McGovern of Massachusetts; Bill Kidd, member of Scottish Parliament; Frank Cownie, Mayor of Des Moines, Iowa. After a press conference on the steps of the United Nations building. Keystone…

NH #650: EXCLUSIVE REPORT: Int’l Activists Gather in NYC for UN 2nd Meeting of States Parties on Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty (TPNW)

NH #650: EXCLUSIVE REPORT: Int’l Activists Gather in NYC for UN 2nd Meeting of States Parties on Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty (TPNW)

NH #650: EXCLUSIVE REPORT: Int’l Activists Gather in NYC for A Week of UN Meetings on Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty (TPNW) This Week’s EXCLUSIVE REPORT on the UN Meetings of States Parties on the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons: Interviewees:

WHO Chernobyl Vigil

NH #648 – Back after the Hack – Alison Katz on World Health Organization’s Lies about Chernobyl

What’s been going on… Hi All. I’m still in NYC for the United Nations 2nd Meeting of States Parties on the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). The trip and what I’ve been able to learn and cover has been extraordinary, but tech has been a disaster. This Week’s Featured Interview: Independent W.H.O.’s…

NH #648: TPNW SPECIAL: UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons: Nuclear Hotseat Looks Back

NH #648: TPNW SPECIAL: UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons: Nuclear Hotseat Looks Back

NH #648: TPNW SPECIAL: UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons: Nuclear Hotseat Looks Back – Alice Slater, Heidi Hutner, Alicia Sayres-Zakre, Susi Snyder This Week’s TPNW SPECIAL: Nuclear Hotseat producer/Host Libbe HaLevy will be in New York next week for the United Nations’ 2nd Meeting of States Parties on the Treaty on the…

NH #647: NUCLEAR OHIO: Piketon/Portsmouth a Radioactive Waste Hub?  Mangano on Death Rates, Colley & Marida on “Deaf” Gov’t Nuke Shills

NH #647: NUCLEAR OHIO: Piketon/Portsmouth a Radioactive Waste Hub? Mangano on Death Rates, Colley & Marida on “Deaf” Gov’t Nuke Shills

Nuclear Ohio: A Radioactive Waste Hub? Mangano on Death Rates, Colley & Marida on Government Nuke Shills Epidemiologist Joseph Mangano interviewed by Nuclear Hotseat producer/host Libbe HaLevy This Week’s Featured Interviews: Cancer rates in the counties surrounding the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant in Piketon, Ohio, are the highest in that state and among the highest…