NH #588: Increased Child Leukemia Rates near Nuclear Reactors: Dr. Ian Fairlie

NH #588: Increased Child Leukemia Rates near Nuclear Reactors: Dr. Ian Fairlie

Increased Child Leukemia Rates Near Nuclear Reactors: Dr. Ian Fairlie This Week’s Featured Interview: Child leukemia rates near nuclear reactors have been shown to increase in 2014 report by Dr. Ian Fairlie. He is an independent consultant on radioactivity in the environment living in London UK and has studied radiation and radioactivity at least since the Chernobyl accident in…

NH #587: U.S. “Nuclear Survival” Propaganda & the Real Nuclear Nightmare – Karl Grossman

NH #587: U.S. “Nuclear Survival” Propaganda & the Real Nuclear Nightmare – Karl Grossman

NH #587: U.S. “Nuclear Survival” Propaganda & the Real Nuclear Nightmare – Karl Grossman This Week’s Featured Interview: LINKS from the interview: HOW TO GET INVOLVED:To learn about and get involved with the Initiative of the Nuclear Ban Treaty Collaborative to get media to report on the Treaty for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons, CLICK…

NH #586: Kings Bay Plowshares 7 – Catholic Anti-Nuclear Activists Martha Hennessey, Patrick O’Neill

NH #586: Kings Bay Plowshares 7 – Catholic Anti-Nuclear Activists Martha Hennessey, Patrick O’Neill

NH #586: Kings Bay Plowshares 7 – Catholic Anti-Nuclear Activists Martha Hennessey, Patrick O’Neill This Week’s Featured Interview: The Kings Bay Plowshares are a group of seven Catholic peace activists who broke into the Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base in Georgia on April 4th, 2018, and carried out a symbolic act of protest against nuclear…

NH #584:  Nuclear Russian  Roulette in Ukraine Heats Up: Gundersen + Youth Climate Activists March in Wales against Nukes

NH #584: Nuclear Russian Roulette in Ukraine Heats Up: Gundersen + Youth Climate Activists March in Wales against Nukes

NH #584: Nuclear Russian Roulette in Ukraine Heats Up: Gundersen + Youth Climate Activists March in Wales against Nukes This Week’s Featured Interviews: Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy Education joins us again to explain the latest rounds of nuclear Russian roulette – what dangers got ramped up at Zaporizhzhia in Ukraine over the past week….

NH #583: New Ukraine Nuclear Risks – Arnie Gundersen + Newsom’s $1.4 BILLION Diablo Canyon Trickery Meets Ratepayer Rage

NH #583: New Ukraine Nuclear Risks – Arnie Gundersen + Newsom’s $1.4 BILLION Diablo Canyon Trickery Meets Ratepayer Rage

NH #583: New Ukraine Nuclear Risks – Arnie Gundersen + Newsom’s $1.4 BILLION Diablo Canyon Trickery Meets Ratepayer Rage This Week’s Featured Interviews: Arnie Gundersen reveals all the different ways that the Ukraine Nuclear reactors in Zaporizhzhia can be compromised to release more radioactivity than 60 Chernobyls. Gundersen is a licensed nuclear reactor operator with…

NH #582:  Radiation Training –  New Info on Risks Worse for Little Girls, Women – Mary Olson, Cindy Folkers

NH #582: Radiation Training – New Info on Risks Worse for Little Girls, Women – Mary Olson, Cindy Folkers

NH #582: New Radiation Training on How Risks are Worse for Little Girls, Women – Mary Olson, Cindy Folkers This Week’s Featured Interview: One of the most misunderstood aspects of nuclear danger is the impact of radiation on our health. Today’s two interviewees not only are in the forefront of exposing the radiation lies that…

NH #581: Hiroshima, Nagasaki Second Generation: Prof. Yuki Miyamoto, Daughter of Atomic Survivor

NH #581: Hiroshima, Nagasaki Second Generation: Prof. Yuki Miyamoto, Daughter of Atomic Survivor

NH #581: Hiroshima, Nagasaki Second Generation: Prof. Yuki Miyamoto, Daughter of Atomic Survivor This Week’s Featured Interview: Hiroshima-born Yuki Miyamoto is a second generation Hibakusha – daughter of an atomic bomb survivor.  Her mother was in Hiroshima one mile from the epicenter of the bombing, yet survived it with what seemed like little physical damage……

NH #580: Hiroshima Countdown, Atomic Cover-Up – Could the Bombs Have Been Avoided?  Greg Mitchell

NH #580: Hiroshima Countdown, Atomic Cover-Up – Could the Bombs Have Been Avoided? Greg Mitchell

This Week’s Featured Interview: Was the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki a done deal? Inevitable once the U.S. produced the bomb? Or were there pressures to avoid unleashing a nuclear holocaust on Japan, and if so, how did they play out behind the scenes in 1945? Author and award-winning filmmaker Greg Mitchell recounts his…