NH #615: Erwin, Tennessee Nuclear Fuel Nightmare – Citizens Fight Back w/5-Expert Panel – Lodge, Ketterer, Olson, McNeill, Inoue

NH #615: Erwin, Tennessee Nuclear Fuel Nightmare – Citizens Fight Back w/5-Expert Panel – Lodge, Ketterer, Olson, McNeill, Inoue

Erwin TN Nuclear Fuel Nightmare – People’s Hearing for Nuclear Awareness Panel features Lodge, Ketterer, Olson, McNeill, Inoue This Week’s Featured Interviews: Erwin, Tennessee is a small town with a big problem: Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc., known as NFS, a company that since the 1960’s has been a major supplier of fuel for the United…

NH #614: TMI Anniversary – Film – RADIOACTIVE: The Women of Three Mile Island – Director Heidi Hutner

NH #614: TMI Anniversary – Film – RADIOACTIVE: The Women of Three Mile Island – Director Heidi Hutner

RADIOACTIVE: The Women of Three Mile Island – Interview w/Director Heidi Hutner This Week’s Feature Interview: Today is the 44th anniversary of the start of the nuclear meltdown at Three Mile Island near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. I was there, one mile away when it happened, and the experience completely changed the trajectory of my life. For…

NH #613:  TRITIUM: Japan’s Radioactive Water Dump Lies, Tritium Truth w/Marine Biologist Tim Deere-Jones

NH #613: TRITIUM: Japan’s Radioactive Water Dump Lies, Tritium Truth w/Marine Biologist Tim Deere-Jones

TRITIUM: Japan’s Radioactive Water Dump Lies, Tritium Truth w/Marine Biologist Tim Deere-Jones This Week’s Featured Interview: Right now in the news there’s a lot of talk about tritium – Japan’s planned dump of more than 1.3 million tons of radioactive tritium-contaminated water from Fukushima into the Pacific Ocean. And in the U.S., decommissioning company Holtec…

NH #612 – “Acceptable” Radiation Exposure Standards & Gender Bias: Mary Olson + In Memorium:  Mary Oscko, N. St. Louis Activist

NH #612 – “Acceptable” Radiation Exposure Standards & Gender Bias: Mary Olson + In Memorium: Mary Oscko, N. St. Louis Activist

“Acceptable” Radiation Exposure Standards & Gender Bias: Mary Olson + In Memorium: Mary Oscko, N. St. Louis Activist – NH #612 This Week’s Featured Interviews Nuclear Hotseat Hot Story with Linda Pentz Gunter: There’s an ominous shift toward silencing those deemed not qualified to speak out. But you don’t need an engineering degree to understand…

NH #611: SPECIAL – Fukushima at 12: Voices from Japan – On the Ground w/Beverly Findlay Kaneko

NH #611: SPECIAL – Fukushima at 12: Voices from Japan – On the Ground w/Beverly Findlay Kaneko

Fukushima 12th Anniversary: Voices from Japan, On the Ground w/Beverly Findlay-Kaneko This Week’s Special Featured Interview: Beverly Findlay-Kaneko provides an “on-the-ground in Japan” report on the current situation faced by people living with the aftermath of the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. Beverly lived in Yokohama, Japan, for 20 years until March 2011, after the…

NH #610: Holtec Threatens Radioactive Water Dump into Cape Cod Bay & Hudson River – Diane Turco, Manna Jo Green

NH #610: Holtec Threatens Radioactive Water Dump into Cape Cod Bay & Hudson River – Diane Turco, Manna Jo Green

Holtec Threatens Radioactive Water Dump from Pilgrim Nuclear into Cape Cod Bay & from Indian Point into Hudson River – Diane Turco, Manna Jo Green This Week’s Featured Interviews: Big nuclear decommissioning companies are planning to release radioactive tritium-contaminated water into major bodies of water. We usually think of this in connection with Japan, where…

NH #609: Advice to East Palestine Toxic Train wreck from Nuclear Toxic “Train  wreck” veteran Kevin Kamps

NH #609: Advice to East Palestine Toxic Train wreck from Nuclear Toxic “Train wreck” veteran Kevin Kamps

Cover photo: Toxic cloud from “controlled burn” of toxic materials at train derailment Advice from Parallel Disasters: East Palestine Toxic Train wreck, Meet Nuclear Toxic “Train wreck” – Kevin Kamps This Week’s Featured Interview: Link from interview: Nuclear Hotseat Hot Story with Linda Pentz Gunter It’s a year since Russia invaded Ukraine and new developments…

NH 608:  Fukushima Child Thyroid Cancer Rates Soar – Joseph Mangano

NH 608: Fukushima Child Thyroid Cancer Rates Soar – Joseph Mangano

Soaring Child Thyroid Cancer Rates from Fukushima – Joseph Mangano LINKS from Interview: Nuclear Hotseat Hot Story with Linda Pentz Gunter: Turkey’s Akkuyu nuclear power plant escaped disaster during last week’s major earthquake,  but continuing the project is reckless. Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness): UK funnels billions into building new “improved” nukes that…

NH #607: Nuclear Reactor Decommissioning Trickery – San Onofre, Three Mile Island UPDATE

NH #607: Nuclear Reactor Decommissioning Trickery – San Onofre, Three Mile Island UPDATE

Nuclear Reactor Decommissioning Trickery – San Onofre, Three Mile Island UPDATE This Week’s Featured Interviews: LINKS for San Onofre Information mentioned in interview: Nuclear Hotseat Hot Story with Linda Pentz Gunter: Building small modular reactors; nuclear powered rockets to Mars; nuclear power plants on the Moon — They’re all Really Bad Ideas. So why do governments insist on…