NH #658: Int’l Uranium Film Festival Coming to US, Canada! – Norbert Suchanek + Holtec Illegally Evaporating Pilgrim RadWater in MA – Diane Turco

Int’l Uranium Film Festival Coming to US, Canada! – Norbert Suchanek + Holtec Illegally Evaporating Pilgrim Radwater
in MA – Diane Turco
This Week’s Featured Interviews:

(l-r) International Uranium Film Festival Co-founders and Directors Marcîa Gomes de Oliviera and Norbert Suchanek, and Nuclear Hotseat’s Libbe HaLevy at the 2023 IUFF in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
This Week’s Featured Interviews:
Norbert Suchanek – This spring, the International Uranium Film Festival is launching a marathon tour of 12 cities, presenting unique and powerful films about all aspects of the nuclear industry . IUFF co-founder and General Director Norbert Suchanek paints the picture of this massive moveable cinematic feast, which begins March 7 at Window Rock in Navajo Nation, and continues to Tucson (AZ), Austin (TX), Ashville (NC), Chicago (IL), Spokane (WA), Vancouver in Canada, Seattle (WA), Olympia (WA), Portland (OR), Salem (OR), and Santa Barbara (CA) before concluding in Las Vegas (NV). We spoke on January 25, 2024.
- LINK to the full US 2024 schedule
- LINK to filmmaker submission page for 2025 consideration

Water bottle lable Cape Downwinders tape on top of bottles they carry and give away. Gets the point across!
Diane Turco is Director of Cape Downwinders a grassroots activist organization with the goal to protect our communities and environment from the dangers present at the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station and nuclear waste dump in Plymouth, MA. In this interview, she explains how the company decommissioning Pilgrim, Holtec, has been legally forbidden to dump radioactively contaminated waste water into Cape Cod Bay, so it has instead been heating and boiling off the water to release as steam into the atmosphere – also not legal, but it took a whistleblower to bring this issue to the fore. We spoke just before production oncluded today, January 30, 2024.
- Studies to examine health risks of New England nuclear power plants
- Harvard launches two studies of Pilgrim nuclear plant health risks
Nuclear Hotseat Hot Story with Linda Pentz Gunter:
Are we tired yet of rich, elite men telling us the world “wants” nuclear energy?
Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness):
Visiting Boeing’s Santa Susana Field Lab in California’s Simi Valley, only 30 miles from downtown Los Angeles? Well, they’ve got a brochure filled with safety warnings that lists everything… EXCEPT THE RADIATION DANGERS!
To learn the history and the dangers that exist even today of the Santa Susana Field Lab, watch the film In The Dark of the Valley. Official trailer is below:
Happy 60th anniversary to Dr. Strangelove – still as pertinent as ever… alas! Here’s actor Slim Pickens taking the ride of a lifetime… which is about to end.
- Hawley Urges Oscars to Recognize American Victims of Nuclear Testing, as “Oppenheimer” Film Reaps Honors – full letter by Sen. Josh Hawley in support of the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act and Downwinders.
- Commentary: Resister celebrates nuclear ban treaty the hard way — John LaForge