NH #331: UN/WHO Chernobyl LIES – Suppression of Critical Yablakov Book w/Devastating Stats – Alison Katz of Independent WHO
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This Week’s Featured Interview:
- Alison Katz of Independent WHO, again helps us understand why the dangers released by Chernobyl have been so downplayed for decades. In her second major interview for Nuclear Hotseat, she reveals the suppression and dis-information campaign against the book Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment, a compilation of over 500 health studies from Eastern European nations compiled by Prof. Alexei Yablokov.
- FREE PDF COPY of Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment in English: www.foejapan.org/energy/evt/pdf/121214.pdf
- Free PDF Copy in French: http://independentwho.org/fr/livres/
- Purchase book in Japanese (alas, no PDF yet available): https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4000238787
Numnutz of the Week:
Hey, Scott Pruitt and Environmental “Protection” Agency – just because you say drinking radiation-contaminated water is safe does not make it so!
Action Steps:
- Sign and Share the Petition in support of the Lieu/Markey Bill to Restrict First use of Nuclear Weapons Act of 2017:
- Karen Hadden of SEED Coalition, working on uranium mining, waste and nuclear waste storage issues, asks that we sign and share the petition: Prevent Unnecessary Radioactive Risks Across the Nation
- Crowdfunding request from Radiation Free Lakeland (featured on Nuclear Hotseat #327 from September 26, 2017). They’re raising funds to hire a marine pollution consultant to help fight plans to dump radioactive mud from Hinkley Point into Cardiff Bay.