NH #713: United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) Media Prep – ICAN’s Lucero Oyarzun + Politicians Against Nukes

ICAN Digital Campaign Coordinator Lucrero Oyarzun


  • Next week’s UN meetings on the TPNW will be accessible online in large part through the work ICAN’s of Digital Campaign Coordinator Lucero Oyarzun. She is in charge of coordinating that coverage, which includes livestreaming regular updates on the day’s highlights, so you can stay in touch with all the developments no matter where you are.

LINKS to Access TPNW Coverage:

  • nuclearbanweek.org – This is where people can find the calendar, resources, easy posts to share on social media, and more.
  • MSP-TV – the ICAN “channel” on the meetings with regular recaps for people at home – live at noon EST on Monday 3 March, Wednesday 5 March and Friday 7 March. You can watch episodes on your favourite ICAN social media, or catch them at https://www.icanw.org/msp_tv
  • UN Web TVhttps://webtv.un.org/en/schedule/2025-03-03 – for full length real time presentation of the meetings.

Recap of 2023 interviews at 2MSP with International Politicians Against Nukes

  • Massachusetts Rep. Jim McGovern. He has been a member of the United States House of Representatives since 1997. A Democrat, he is the ranking member of the House Rules Committee. Here’s our interview, done at the UN on December 2, 2023:
  • Frank Cownie served as mayor of Des Moines, Iowa from 2004 to 2024. He was also the Mayors for Peace U.S. Vice President. He was still in office when we spoke at 2MSP in December, 2023.
  • Kazumi Matsui, mayor of Hiroshima. We spoke through his interpreter:

  • State Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa of Massachusetts
  • Bill Kidd of Scottish Parliament.


Photo of the fabled Fukushima debris particle removed from Reactor 1. Note the lack of comparison for scale – it’s not a boulder; it’s only 0.7 grams, or the equivalent in weight of 1/3 of a U.S. penny. Still to be removed from the site: 880 tons of radioactive material.

The Nuclear Resister with Jack Cohen-Joppa

In 1980, the Plowshares Eight hammered on nuclear warhead nosecones and sparked a global movement of direct action for nuclear disarmament.

The Plowshares 8