NH #688: Trinity Downwinders’ Nuclear Legacy Exploded in Film: FIRST WE BOMBED NEW MEXICO – Director Lois Lipman

- Award-winning filmmaker Lois Lipman talks about how she first learned about the plight of Downwinders, those who lived downwind of the Trinity test of the first atomic bomb. Her resulting film, FIRST WE BOMBED NEW MEXICO, tracks not just Trinity’s history of radiation impact, but the timelines of Downwinder illness through five generations. She also covers recent efforts to pass the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) in Congress, to provide some financial compensation to those harmed by America’s nuclear weapons program. FIRST WE BOMBED NEW MEXICO website

Downwinder Tina Cordova demonstrating outside entrance to Trinity site.
Links from Featured Interview:
- Article: Documentary about Trinity Test victims fights for wider audience
- Article: A Nuclear Legacy in Los Alamos? About recently found plutonium contamination in Acid Canyon, a popular hiking trail adjacent to Los Alamos.
- Tularosa Basin Downwinders Consortium
Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness):
The Democrats went wild for Harris and Walz… but nobody was talking about nukes! Note the use ot screws to denote how we’re all being screwed by nuclear.

Save the Date! Dec. 7-8 – Atomic Age Cinema Fest in LA!
The second Atomic Age Cinema Fest – a co-presentation of Kat Kramer Films that Change the World and the International Uranium Film Festival, will take over the Crescent Theatre in Los Angeles for two days of films, plus a panel discussion jam packed with Hollywood celebrities. More info on further episodes
To get a glimpse of what an experience that will be, LISTEN to Nuclear Hotseat #223, which provides an audio mosaic of the first Atomic Age Film Festival, held in Hollywood in 2016.
Webinar on Japan’s release of radioactive tritium-contaminated water into the Pacific Ocean.
- Nuclear Free Team of the Sierra Club offers a free screening of ATOMIC BAMBOOZLE during the entire month of September. REGISTER HERE – : https://watch.eventive.org/scnuclearfree/play/65df9b811095cc004ea923de
Supporting informational webinar on September 30, 5-7 pm Pacific Time. Panelists will be filmmaker Jan Haaken, Associate Producer Cathy Sampson-Kruse, M.V. Ramana, Mark Z. Jacobson, and David Schlissel. The panel will be moderated by Nuclear Free Team Co-Chair Mike Carberry. REGISTER HERE https://sierraclub.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2CNxDUwVSGWZvzFEpIpwEw. - PIKETON/PORTSMOUTH INTERVIEWS – Saturday September 14th at the Career Technology Center in Piketon Ohio 1:00-4:00 PM. These interviews will be for a documentary with Duane Pohlman Local 12. This is for the people who have or had Cancer or other related illnesses living or working at Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion plant. To join the private Facebook group DON’T DUMP ON US, contact Gina Doyle on Facebook and ask to join the group. She’ll give you the link to send a Friend request. It’s for the protection of the private information shared on the FB site.
- Digital Activism: Do’s and Don’ts to Keep Yourself Safe Online