NH #666: SPECIAL: Three Mile Island Nuclear Meltdown Anniversary – Timeline of the Accident, The Endless Future

Three Mile Island Alert’s Eric Epstein (l) and Nuclear Hotseat’s Libbe HaLevy, pictured at TMI’s 40th anniversary conference held in Harrisburg, PA, in late March, 2019.
This week’s full-length Three Mile Island Anniversary SPECIAL features interviews with:
- Arnie Gundersen, Chief Engineer for Fairewinds Energy Education (information provided via transcript). Watch a video of Arnie Gundersen speaking about the accident at the 40th Anniversary of the founding of TMI Alert.
- Peter Bradford, who was a Commissioner at the Nuclear Regulatory Commissioner during the TMI accident.
- Eric Epstein, Chair of Three Mile Island Alert.
TMI Alert’s Radiation monitoring page. - Mary Stamos, also known as Mary Osborn, a long time Middletown resident and TMIA member, who just passed away on February 22, 2024.
NOTE: Mary Stamos’ collection of mutated plants collected around Three Mile Island is now part of the Smithsonian Institution’s permanent collection, under the care of staff in the Department of Botany. Where appropriate, the specimens may be made available to Smithsonian scientists and other researchers who wish to examine them for their relevance to the Three Mile Island event of 1979. - Walter Cronkite, anchor for the CBS Evening News at the time of TMI and known as “the most trusted newsman in America. To view his CBS network reports on TMI, CLICK HERE.
Our thanks to filmmaker Robert (Robbie) Leppzer, producer of the two-hour audio documentary Voices from Three Mile Island, for permission to use excerpts from that work in this program. These include:
- Portions of the news montage
- Middletown Mayor Bob Reid
- Dairy farmer Jane Lee
- Local resident Pat Street
- Dr. Michael Gluck, general practitioner, who works out of three Harrisburg hospitals and lives within two miles of the TMI reactors.
Robbie Leppzer’s complete VOICES FROM THREE MILE ISLAND audio documentary is available as a free download at: https://www.powerstrugglemovie.com/voices-from-three-mile-island
Libbe HaLevy’s nuclear memoir, YES, I GLOW IN THE DARK! One Mile from Three Mile Island to Fukushima and Nuclear Hotseat, contains full information on her experience having been one mile from the nuclear accident at TMI when it happened… and so much more! You can purchase your copy of the book HERE.