NH #347: The Hidden Politics Behind NY’s Billion Dollar Nuke Bailout: Attny Susan H. Shapiro, Tim Judson of NIRS
This Week’s Featured Interviews:
- Susan H. Shapiro is an New York State attorney whose practice focuses on environmental protection and land use in the Hudson Valley. Since 9/11, she has been co-counsel on the groundbreaking litigation against Indian Point’s violation of the Clean Water Act for thermal and radiation pollution of the Hudson River; and against the NRC for reducing fire safety standards at Indian Point. She help lay the groundwork opposing relicensing of aging nuclear reactors by filing 50 contentions against relicensing. She participated in the Presidential Blue Ribbon Commission on Nuclear Waste and has represented whistle blowers. [email protected]
- Tim Judson has been Executive Director of Nuclear Information and Resource Service, or NIRS, since 2014. He had previously been Chair of the Board of Citizens Awareness Network, a leader in successful campaign to close the Vermont Yankee reactor; and co-founder of Alliance for a Green Economy in New York.
Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness):
- With Hanford site contamination from plutonium and americium found more than 10 miles away from the Plutonium Finishing Plant demolition location, what better time to cut clean-up funds? The administration’s 2019 proposed budget – oy!
The Missing Links:
- West Lake Landfill – EPA 45-day Public Comment Period LINK. Talking points:
- Remove ALL radioactive waste
- Remove ALL radioactive waste from site
- Buyout homes of those living closest to West Lake Landfill
- LINK to HBO documentary on West Lake Landfill, “Atomic Homefront” – FREE on HBO until March 5, 2018.
- Petition to sign: Statement against Kovvada nuclear plant in Andhra Pradesh, India, as Westinghouse officials from the US visit India next week. http://www.dianuke.org/westinghouse-quit-india-statement-kovvada-nuclear-project-andhra-pradesh/
- Trump orders Dept. of Energy to Prepare for Possibility of First U.S. Nuclear Test in 26 Years – article