NH #388: Santa Susana Field Lab/Woolsey Fire Radiation Dangers – Shocking History of Nuke Site Health Damage w/Epidemiologist Joseph Mangano

Santa Susana Field Lab – aerial photo of the start of the Woolsey Fire


Arnie Gundersen and Maggie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy Education have just released the protocols for collecting dust and dirt samples within 25 miles of the Santa Susana Field Lab for free testing for radioactivity.

To download your copy of the Fairewinds Radiation Testing Protocols post-SSFL/Woolsey Fire,

This Week’s Featured Interview:

  • Santa Susana Field Lab/Woolsey Fire AnalysisJoseph Mangano is an epidemiologist – a medical statistician – who has headed Radiation and Public Health Project since 1989.  He is author or co-author of 37 medical journal articles on radiation health, and is the author of the books Low Level Radiation and Immune System Damage: An Atomic Era Legacy (1998); Radioactive Baby Teeth: The Cancer Link (2008), and 2013’s Mad Science: The Nuclear Power Experiment.  He managed the study of Strontium-90 in baby teeth and now manages the citizen-based radiation monitoring programs near the Indian Point NY and Oyster Creek NJ nuclear plants.

Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness):

Timing is everything — and the nuclear industry seems to have none of it.  Just listen to where they give awards and make claims to nuclear projects that don’t even exist any more!