NH #387: San Onofre Flunks NRC Report on Near-Disaster: Dr. Tom English + Woolsey Fire/SSFL Update

San Onofre canister comparison chart courtesy SanOnofreSafety.org

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This Week’s Featured Interview:

  • San Onofre gets failing marks from NRC on August 3 near-miss disaster while loading “spent” fuel  thin canister, and Dr. Tom English interprets the NRC webinar with the bad news.  Dr. English advised former President Jimmy Carter’s Office of Science and Technology Policy, along with the government of Sweden, NASA and the California Energy Commission, on high level nuclear waste disposal. He has lectured at over 100 universities and given eight White House presentations.  His academic background includes a postdoctoral MS in Environmental Engineering, a Ph.D and MS in Electrical Enginering, and a BS in Physics.
  • San Onofre Safety’s analysis, San Onofre defective Holtec nuclear waste storage system must be recalled. 
  • NRC complete slide presentation from the webinar, which includes the following graphics:

Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness):

Puerto Rico!  Always the hurricanes blowing – and you are even thinking of installing nuclear reactors?!?  Well, smoke on your pipe and put that in!

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