NH #684: What’s the Problem with Radioactive Nuclear Waste? What’s the Solution? Powerful Symposium at UCSD

A map of the San Onofre nuclear waste station, showing earthquake faults and the 50 mile radius that would be most impacted by an accident with the current on-site storage of radioactive waste.

This Week’s Special Feature

The Samuel Lawrence Foundation, in cooperation with the Scripps Oceanography Institute, held a one-day symposium on Radioactive Wastes (from Nuclear Reactors) in San Diego, California, on July 24, 2024: Radioactive Waste: Growing Threats, Emerging Solutions. Nuclear Hotseat’s Libbe HaLevy was there to cover the speakers and talk with the audience. You. Are. There.

Interviewees include:

Videos of the presentations can be found on the Samuel Lawrence Foundation Youtube channel.

Nuclear Hotseat Hot Story with Linda Pentz Gunter:

Want to pay for the most expensive electricity on earth? Then go nuclear!

ICAN Update with Lucero Oyarzu

Lucero Oyarez of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) sits in for the vacationing Alistair Burnett and interviews Florian Eblenkamp, Advocacy Officer at ICAN, on the latest progress on the United Nationsl Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons. The Swiss Initiative page is available in Germanhttps://atomwaffenverbot.ch/ and in French https://interdiction-armes-nucleaires.ch/