NH #418: Radioactive Nuclear Reactors and Cancer Rates: Joseph Mangano
Radioactive Nuclear Reactors – Millstone Nuclear’s strontium 90 spew into surrounding community was exposed by the late Katie the Goat’s milk. Her great-granddaughter Victoria carries on the family tradition.
This Week’s Featured Interview:
- Radioactive Nuclear Reactors and their impact on public health is the focusof the work of this week’s featured interviewee. Joseph Mangano is a health researcher and epidemiologist who has served as a director of Radiation and Public Health Project since 1989. Mangano is author or co-author of 33 medical journal articles on radiation health, and is the author of the books Low Level Radiation and Immune System Damage: An Atomic Era Legacy (1998) and Radioactive Baby Teeth: The Cancer Link (2008). He managed the study of Strontium-90 in baby teeth, and now manages the citizen-based radiation monitoring programs near the Indian Point NY and Oyster Creek NJ nuclear plants.
- In an act of overt cynicism, if not evil, the newly announced route for the 2020 Radioactive Olympics Torch Relay will not only START in Fukushima Prefecture… the FIRST THREE DAYS will zig zag a path around the Fukushima Daiichi triple nuclear meltdown site and throughout the evacuation zone! Callous disregard for human life, courtesy Dentsu Advertising’s PR campaign to convince the world that everything in Fukushima Prefecture is AOK! and you should all c’mon down to the Olympics! Here’s the map:

Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness):
Radioactive Strontium 90 in goat’s milk near Millstone Nuclear in Waterford, Connecticut was proven as of 2001 by Katie the Goat, who became the mascot for Mothball Millstone. Now, her great granddaughter Victoria carries on the cause.
Activist Links:
- Church Rock – Letters of support requested from groups and individuals for Navajo Nation on the 40th anniversary of the uranium mining spill that released 1,100 million tons of radioactive uranium tailings and 94 million gallons of toxic uranium-contaminated water into the Puerco River and downstream for more than 80 miles. Send your statements of support to:
Susan Gordon, Multicultural Alliance for a Safe Environment: [email protected] - Church Rock events: