NH #597: More Radioactive Contamination Found in Ohio Homes Near PORTS U-Processing Plant – Prof. Michael Ketterer
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More Radioactive Contamination Found in Ohio Homes Near PORTS Plant – Prof. Michael Ketterer

- The Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PORTS) in Piketon, Ohio, was the site of uranium enrichment for the US nuclear weapons program. It operated from 1954 to 2001, and now the Department of Energy is in charge of cleaning up the site. But how good a job are they doing? How contaminated is the site – and how far has that radioactive contamination spread?
To learn more, we spoke with Michael Ketterer. He is professor emeritus of chemistry and biochemistry at Northern Arizona University, and the former Ohio resident studies the sources and behavior of radioisotopes in the environment. He’s been in the thick of discovering problems around the Ports plant – and there’s more coming.
I spoke with Michael Ketterer on Friday, November 25, 2022.
Links from the Interview:
- Michael Ketterer CONTACT
- Reporter Duane Pohlman‘s latest report on cancer rates in Piketon County.
He interviewed Joseph Mangano of Radiation and Public Health Project.
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