NH #642: RADIATION! Piketon, OH Demolition Releases, Nevada Test Site Fallout in E. California, RECA Implications – Dr. Michael Ketterer
RADIATION! Piketon, OH Demolition Releases, Trinity Fallout in E. California, RECA Implications – Dr. Michael Ketterer
Radiation researcher Dr. Michael Ketterer
- Dr. Michael Ketterer has a PhD in Analytical Chemistry and has worked for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Enforcement, taught at John Carroll University, Northern Arizona University, Metropolitan State University of Denver, and at University of Denver. Since 2000, Michael has been conducting studies of plutonium in the environment, publishing and lecturing extensively, and has analyzed samples from locations worldwide. He is currently studying plutonium dioxide particles in soils near the former Rocky Flats facility in Colorado, and fingerprinting off-site contaminants near the former Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant in southern Ohio. Michael is Professor Emeritus of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Northern Arizona University. We spoke on October 2, 2023.
- Michael Ketterer CONTACT
Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness):
The nukesters are choosing glamour-pusses to hawk their wares and recite their talking points. Don’t they realize that someone who, in part, names herself “Dope” is not a reliable representative?
- Nuclear Free Future Award – MEET THE WINNERS including Nuclear Hotseat’s Libbe HaLevy, 2022 winner for Education!– Friday, October 13, 2023, 10 a.m. Pacific time
REGISTER https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_nxZDuzIoQj6tT-B7igxKjg#/registration
FROM THE PRESS RELEASE: In 2022, three extraordinary activists were honored with a Nuclear-Free Future Award. However, at the end of 2022, the Awards transited out of their former home at the Nuclear Free Future Foundation and there was no official ceremony… Until now! Beyond Nuclear invites you to meet the 2022 winners at a special online awards ceremony on Friday, October 13 at 1pm Eastern US time. Please register at the link below to hear from uranium mining activist, Anthony Lyamunda, Resistance (Tanzania); Nuclear Hotseat podcaster, Libbe HaLevy, Education (USA); and nuclear policy researcher, Malte Göttsche, Solution (Germany) as they are interviewed about their work. A special announcement about the 2023 Awards event and winners will be made during the event. - SOS: San Onofre Syndrome will be streaming online as of Sunday, October 15 at 5 p.m. Pacific time. To buy your tickets, CLICK HERE.