NH #42 – Foodchain Safety Issues w/Kimberly Roberson & Mary Beth Brangan

Terrific food safety interview w/Kimberly Roberson of Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network and Mary Beth Brangan of Ecological Awareness Network.  Learn about the increasing dangers posed to our food supply by the radiation from Fukushima, as well as what you can do to boost your health and resist the effects of radiation. Plus: Radiation in Fukushima…

NH #41 – Three Mile Island Anniversary Special, The Koodankulam 15, Dr. Helen Caldicott

Download it here:http://lhalevy.audioacrobat.com/download/e0e8afa5-1b3d-95df-37be-2ffd0ba3ade2.mp3 Special report on Three Mile Island on the eve of the 33rd anniversary, including host Libbe HaLevy’s personal story of having been one mile away when it happened; Exclusive interview w/Dr. Helen Caldicott; 15 Koodankulam activists in India now 9 days into a fast to the death (if necessary) to stop two…

NH #40 – San Onofre Failing Tests, Jon Stewart Gets Nuked

Here’s the player: Here’s the download link: http://lhalevy.audioacrobat.com/download/NuclearHotseat-40_3-20-12-CA-Update.mp3 On this week’s Nuclear Hotseat Podcast… Donna Gilmore and Ace Hoffman interviewed for a CA update on San Onofre testing, the state’s TRUE energy needs, and the CA Ballot Initiative. Jon Stewart/Daily Show to carry nuke industry ads – NIRS.org starts the protest, Nuclear Hotseat joins in….

NH #39 for March 13, 2012 – 1st Anniversary of Fukushima, San Onofre Demonstration

On the first anniversary of the Tohoku earthquake, tsunami and the start of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster: Special audio report from the March 11 San Onofre anti-nuke demo; Interviews with two survivors of Tohoku quake, tsunami and ongoing Fukushima Daiichi disaster, direct from Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture in Japan, who were speaking at the…

NH #38 – Meeting w/CA Top Aide to Governor, March 11 Demos at San Onofre

Report on anti-nuke activists meeting w/CA Gov. Jerry Brown’s senior aide; this weekend’s demonstrations at San Onofre features two Japanese survivors of the Tohoku earthquake, tsunami, and resulting nuclear disaster at Fukushima; transcript of NRC audio quashing US National Labs monitoring of radiation the day after the earthquake – OUTRAGEOUS! LA area cesium levels found…

NH #37: US Media Pick Up Severely Flawed Pro-Nuke “Study” of Radiation in Japan

This from simplyinfo.com, forwarded from Dr. Helen Caldicott’s Facebook page: US Media Promotes Another Flawed “Study”, Downplays Fukushima Journalism standards hit a new low as the NYTimes, Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine’s blog and Scientific American all picked up the story without fact checking.  So much for mainstream media’s credibility on the nuclear issue.

NH #35: Arnie Gunderson + Greenpeace = Nuclear Info You Can Believe

Here’s the latest from Arnie Gunderson and Fairewinds, done in conjunction with Greenpeace. Fairewinds was retained by Greenpeace to write a chapter of their newly released report entitled “The Echo Chamber: Regulatory Capture and the Fukushima Daiichi Disaster”. Fairewinds concludes that Fukushima Daiichi was not just a nuclear accident; rather, for decades it was a…

NH #34: February 28, 2012

Japanese government shown to have been in chaos after Fukushima, w/possible Tokyo evacuation; only 2 nuke reactors left online in Japan… and no rolling blackouts; stillborn calves at Fukushima-area farm; NRC cites Palisades Power Plant in Michigan for safety violations, plus Perry near Cleveland and Susquhanna near Harrisburg, PA; North Anna tritium double federal standard,…