NH #83: Dr. Helen Caldicott!

Dr. Helen Caldicott talks for the first time about her March 11-12 Symposium: The Medical and Environmental Consequences of Fukushima – a watershed event for our movement, involving doctors, scientists and researchers from around the world.  She explains how she became an anti-nuclear activist while still a teenager, how she founded three of our most…

NH #82 – Iran’s Nuke Accident? SanO DAB seeks Whistleblowers, Cesium in Fuku Food

PLUS: Did Iran have a nuclear accident or is there some other cause for the evacuation of 1.5 million people? Osaka to burn radioactive Fukushima debris as the government detains and arrests anti-nuclear protestors. Turkey to test all food imported from Japan for suspected radioactivity, but US continues to do NOTHING to protect our food…

NH #81: Nuke Year’s Resolutions from CAN’s Priscilla Star

INTERVIEW:  Priscilla Star, founder of the Coalition Against Nukes (CAN) shares her passion and vision for a women-led meeting with a White House superstar! PLUS: BIG STORY:  US Navy rescue workers sue TEPCO over radiation exposure while on Fukushima disaster relief. ANOTHER BIG STORY:  NRC smacks SCE upside the head over San Onofre “restart” plans,…

NH #80: Dear Santa – NO NUKES!

 IN THIS NUCLEAR HOTSEAT PODCAST: Activists send in their requests to Santa for a nuclear-free 2013; US 2012 nuclear scorecard show nukes a losing proposition everywhere; NRC denies San Onofre hearing; Russia gives us a clue what could be happening with Fukushima produce; Construction cost overruns and construction delays at Vogtle; French electricity giant EDF‘s…

NH #79: Home for the Hellidays: Christmas in Japan as 2 Evacuees Return

INTERVIEW: This week, a special interview with two women who have lived the nuclear nightmare.  Cathy Iwane and Beverly Findlay-Kaneko are American-born, fell in love with and married Japanese men, and were raising families in Japan when the Fukushima disaster began.   Both evacuated with their children to southern California, where they’ve become active in the…

NH #78: Nuclear Perpetrators, Urban Planners, UN Preps Int’l Nuke Gag Order

INTERVIEW: Torgen Johnson is a Harvard-educated Urban Planner with a professional degree in Architecture from USC.  He brings a unique perspective to the nuclear conversation based upon three separate professional disciplines.  As a resident of southern California who lives near San Onofre, he interprets the risks to community and accumulated wealth from a single major…

NH#77: SAN ONOFRE SPOTLIGHT – SCE/NRC Meeting, Buddhist Monks, Plant Sabotage

SPOTLIGHT: San Onofre really heated up last week: Possible sabotage at Unit 3 now being investigated by the FBI; Radwaste steam generator leaking radiation at the SanO gates; Buddhist monks in San Clemente praying/fasting/chanting/meditating for an end to nuclear; NRC/SCE public meeting on SCE planned restart muzzles activists (as usual)… and Nuclear Hotseat is there!…


FEATURED INTERVIEWS: Hear from four activists involved with the battle to stop the San Onofre restart as we head into this Friday’s public meeting between the NRC, Southern California Edison and (hopefully squeezing in there, eventually) the public.  Host Libbe HaLevy interviews: Video activist Myla Reson Gary Headrick, head of San Clemente Green (www.SanClementeGreen.org) Gene…

NH #75: Activists Share Gratitude; Nuclear is the Turkey

  LISTEN HERE: DOWNLOAD HERE: http://lhalevy.audioacrobat.com/download/f3b18260-038f-1942-bfd3-a757897d2180.mp3   INTERVIEW: What do we anti-nukers have to be thankful for?  Listen to a montage of national activist voices expressing their gratitude for skirmishes won, battles shared, losses commiserated, unexpected camaraderie and the miracle that is our growing movement.  If you need a reminder as to why we do…