NH #119: Joseph Mangano Shreds IAEA’s Straitjacket on WHO’s Radiation Reports

INTERVIEW:  Special feature interview with Joseph Mangano of Radiation and Public Health Project (www.radiation.org) on how the International Atomic Energy Agency’s straitjacketed and muzzled “epidemiology” makes it impossible for the World Health Organization to ever present honest information on the dangers of nuclear radiation.  Based on an analysis of the IAEA’s fatally flawed “science” by…

NH #118: The WHO/IAEA Unholy Alliance and its Lies about Int’l Nuclear Health Stats

How the World Health Organization came under the domination of the pro-nuclear International Atomic Energy Agency – the first of two exclusive Nuclear Hotseat reports on the unholy alliance that underlies our global misunderstandings of the dangers of nuclear radiation.  INTERVIEW:  Special full-length interview with Alison Katz of Independent WHO on the history, politics and…

NH #117: Olympic Insanity + If Gundersen were in Charge at Fukushima

 INTERVIEW:  Former nuclear industry insider Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy Education (www.Fairewinds.com) paints a clear picture of the current state of problems at Fukushima Daiichi… and then explains what he would do if he were in charge of the disaster site.  His first five minutes on the job would be awesome – and that’s a…

NH #116: Japan at Fukushima + 29 Months – On-the-Ground Report w/Beverly Findlay-Kaneko

The Mystery of Fukushima Harbor: Boiling water, steam, fog, mist, morning marine layer… or swamp gas? INTERVIEW:  Beverly Findlay-Kaneko is a former resident of Japan who spent over 20 years in that country.  On March 16, 2011, a family emergency brought her and her son Ryan back to Southern California only five days after the…

NH #115: VERMONT YANKEE SHUTDOWN SPECIAL w/Gundersen, Hattie Nestle

INTERVIEWS: Former nuclear insider Arnie Gundersen, head of Fairewinds.com, explains how and why Vermont Yankee was shut down.  Audio courtesy Fairewinds.com from their podcast series. Hattie Nestle, a member of the Vermont Yankee Women’s Affinity Group, on why she’s not ecstatic over Entergy announcement re: Vermont Yankee.   NUMNUTZ OF THE WEEK:  International Atomic Energy Agency…

NH #114: Nuclear Organizational Psychosis w/Dr. Lloyd C. Williams

INTERVIEW:  Dr. Lloyd C. Williams is an organizational psychologist, coach and management consultant to Fortune 100-level companies.  Dr Williams has accomplished and led programs as chair and professor at UC Berkeley, the Universities of Notre Dame, Massachusetts,  Grenoble Business School, the International School of Management and the University of Singapore.  He coined the term “organizational psychosis,” and…

NH #113: BREAKING! San Onofre Decomish Symposium w/Gene Stone, + Joe Mangano

INTERVIEW:  Closing down San Onofre didn’t end the southern California nuclear battle, it just shifted focus.  Gene Stone of Residents Organized for a Safe Environment, talks about how the problems of decommissioning, those pesky spent fuel rods, and some surprising news about fuel radiation levels lead to a regrouping of activists and the upcoming Symposium…

NH #112: Hiroshima Anniversary, Fukushima Survivor Chikako Nishiyama, SLOMP’s Carole Hisasue

INTERVIEWS: Carole Hisasue left a successful media career in Japan for an idyllic life in America… but landed within six miles of the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant.  Now active with San Luis Obispo Nothers for Peace (SLOMP), she talks about this year’s northern California Hiroshima commemoration, including a Peace Walk with Buddhist Reverend Gyosen…

NH #111: “Fukushima is Here” Human Billboard; Daniel Hirsch SSFL Encore

FEATURED INTERVIEW:  John Bertucci, one of the organizers of the “Fukushima is Here” campaign, on what it takes to set up a 2,000-person human billboard on a beach… and how you can do it, too, as part of an international planned October 19 action.  BONUS ENCORE INTERVIEW:  Daniel Hirsch, a lecturer on nuclear policy at…