NH #172: Dr. Helen Caldicott, “Crisis Without End”

 Rudolph’s not the only reindeer glowing in Norway… INTERVIEW:Dr. Helen Caldicott – Nobel Peace Prize nominee, founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility, pediatrician, veteran anti-nuclear activist and author – discusses her latest book,“Crisis Without End” about Fukushima’s medical and ecological consequences, and her upcoming2015 Symposium on Nuclear Weapons. Dr. Helen Caldicott (r) with Nuclear Hotseat’s…

NH #171: Southwest Radiation Leak Update – Hancock on WIPP, Hadden on WCS

INTERVIEWS: Focus on the American southwest and the fallout from the Valentine’s Day  radwaste container explosion at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, or WIPP site in Carlsbad, New Mexico. Don Hancock, Executive Director of Southwest Information and Resource Center, corrects some misinformation about radiation levels surrounding the site, then gives his take on the “plans”…

NH #170: Climate Change March Special w/Michael Mariotte, Gail Payne, Dr. Sheila Parks

    LISTEN HERE: TO DOWNLOAD, CLICK HERE INTERVIEWS: Special report last Sunday’s massive, historic Climate Change Rally in NYC: Michael Mariotte, the President of Nuclear Information and Resource Service, or NIRS, provided key national organizing that helped deliver thousands of anti-nuke demonstrators to the event; Gail Payne not only marched, she designed those terrific…

NH #169: Beverly Findlay-Kaneko on Journalist Iwaji’s Death + Karl Grossman on Nukes in Space

INTERVIEWS: Beverly Findlay-Kaneko, Nuclear Hotseat’s “boots on the ground” in Japan, talks extensively about the recent death of Asahi TV news director Masaki Iwaji, whose passing was officially categorized as suicide but  which is believed by many to have been something else.  Beverly also discusses how Japan’s political shift to the right has impacted the…

NH #168: Millstone’s May 25 Radiation Leak w/Nancy Burton

LISTEN HERE: DOWNLOAD BY CLICKING HERE INTERVIEW:  Nancy Burton, founder of the Connecticut Coalition Against Millstone, on the horrifying history of Connecticut’s aging Millstone nuclear power station, on the ongoing dangers posed by owner/operator Dominion Resources’ bottom line approach to safety, and the unreported radiation release that happened during the double-reactor shutdown on May 25,…

NH #167: Beyond Nuclear’s Kevin Kamps on NRC’s Conflict of Interest + WIPP Update

INTERVIEWS: Kevin Kamps of Beyond Nuclear goes after the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s latest actions in speeding approval of all nuclear reactor license extensions and  new builds, plus highlights the votes of compromised lame duck (now former) Commissioner Magwood’s blatant, possibly illegal conflict of interest.FOR SAMPLE WORDING FROM KEVIN KAMPS TO SEND TO SEN. BARBARA BOXER…

NH #166: EXCLUSIVE – USS Reagan Sailors v. TEPCO – The San Diego Hearing

 JON STEWART TWEET-OF-THE-WEEK: Avoid rice in Singapore, Jon; it’s imported f/Fukushima! Now enriched w/99 Bq cesium per kilogram! #NuclearHotseat #newCNNshows #nonukes — Libbe HaLevy (@NuclearHotseat) August 27, 2014 EPISODE #166 – LISTEN HERE: TO DOWNLOAD, CLICK HERE EXCLUSIVE SPECIAL REPORT:  The USS Reagan v. TEPCO Hearing Nuclear Hotseat’s exclusive coverage of this week’s hearing in…

NH #165: Dr. Ian Fairlie on Soaring Child Leukemia Rates near Nuke Reactors

JON STEWART TWEET OF THE WEEK – Please Retweet and Favorite: Kids 5 & under living 3 miles from a nuclear reactor 37% more likely to get leukemia – Get angry Jon! #NuclearHotseat #newCNNshows #nonukes — Libbe HaLevy (@NuclearHotseat) August 20, 2014 INTERVIEW:  Dr. Ian Fairlie discusses his recently released report compiling more than 60…

NH #164: Indian “Anti-Nuclear Gandhi” Kumar Sundaram in Japan

Here’s the weekly Jon Stewart/Daily Show Tweet; please retweet and favorite:  Fukushima nuke fuel exploded to 15 miles f/Tokyo suburb. Ready to order 2020 Olympic tix yet? #newCNNshows #nonukes http://t.co/z8zrYYcxU4 — Libbe HaLevy (@NuclearHotseat) August 13, 2014 FEATURED INTERVIEW:  Kumar Sundaram, India’s “Anti-Nuclear Gandhi,” as he concludes a successful two week trip to Japan to…