NH #184: Fukushima Radiation Lies Exposed w/IPPNW’s Dr. Alex Rosen, RPHP’s Joseph Mangano

INTERVIEWS: Dr. Alex Rosen of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, who takes on and eviscerates the United Nations’ UNSCEAR report that criminally underplays the radiation dangers from Fukushima; International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War; www.ippnw.org Epidemiologist Joseph Mangano, executive director of Radiation and Public Health Project, who explains why TEPCO’s…

NH #183: The Truth about Chernobyl: World Health Organization Coverup w/Alison Katz

Alison Katz is a sociologist and psychologist who worked inside the World Health Organization (WHO) for 18 years.  Now a leader within Independent WHO, an organization dedicated to revealing the lies and coverups perpetrated by WHO, Alison dissects the history, politics and manipulations of the United Nations agency we’re supposed to be able to trust…

NH #182: Prof. Haider on Russian Nukes in Bangladesh + Dr. Caldicott’s Symposium

INTERVIEWS: Prof. Quamrul Haider of Fordham University, a nuclear physicist, authored the op-ed explaining nuclear reactor dangers and calling nukes “The Sixth Horseman of the Apocalypse.”  He blasts nuclear reactors built by Russia as unsafe, reveals why Bangladesh has ordered a technology it doesn’t need, and  explains why he left behind his (non-classified) work at…

NH #181: Entergy Loses Power! Kamps on Palisades Intervenors, Sachs on Vt Yankee Closure

INTERVIEWS: Kevin Kamps, Nuclear Waste Watchdog for Beyond Nuclear, goes into the longstanding issues against Palisades Nuclear Generating Station, a “lemon” of a nuke reactor on the shores of Lake Michigan only 70 miles from Chicago.  Highlighted is a coalition of environmental groups that has intervened against Palisades’ operator Entergy Nuclear’s attempt to get the…

NH #180: Dr. Chris Busby on Internal/External Radiation Doses, USS Reagan, Activist Strategies

INTERVIEW:   Dr. Chris Busby has been a brilliant, reliable resource on nuclear radiation dangers since long before Fukushima began. He’s a scientist, activist and has a long history of going up against the nuclear goliaths and daviding them down to size.  Dr. Busby is the scientific secretary of the European Committee on Radiation Risk and…

NH #179: BREAKING: 2nd USS Reagan Death + US Nuke Accident Updates – WIPP, Metropolis

BREAKING: Second death in the USS Reagan/Operation Tomadachi case.  Exclusive interview w/Charles Bonner, attorney for the sailors in the $1 Billion lawsuit against TEPCO, General Electric, EBASCO, Toshiba and Hitachi. INTERVIEWS: Don Hancock, Executive Director of Southwest Research and Information Center, again updates us on the most recent radiation release at the Waste Isolation Pilot…

NH #178: Fukushima Kids, Moms & Thyroids – Filmmaker Ian Thomas Ash, Voices from Japan w/Beverly Findlay-Kaneko

INTERVIEW: Japan-based Filmmaker Ian Thomas Ash talks about how he came to shoot his documentary, “A-2-B-C” on radiation risks to children and damage to their thyroids following the start of the Fukushima nuclear disaster. VOICES FROM JAPAN: Voices from Japan Co-Producer Beverly Findlay-Kaneko voices her husband, U. G.  Kaneko, in a report on his most…

NH #177: Fukushima Update – Arnie Gundersen

INTERVIEW:Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy Education (Fairewinds.com), Nuclear Hotseat’s favorite nuclear engineer, gives a concise, clear interpretation of what’s behind TEPCO’s recent announcements regarding water radiation levels, the removal of fuel rods from the fuel pool at Unit 4, and the hole in the roof of Unit 1; manipulation of Japanese doctors to eliminate evidence…

NH #176: USS Reagan Sailors’ Lawsuit v. TEPCO Clears Judicial Hurdle, Expands!

INTERVIEW: Attorneys for the USS Reagan sailors hit by Fukushima radiation won big in court last week: Judge Janis Sammartino ruled that the $1 billion lawsuit against TEPCO for health damages and medical treatment CAN not only move forward, it adds as defendants General Electric, EBASCO, Toshiba and Hitachi – the companies that designed and…