NH #257: Radiation Spike from Hanford or CGS Reactor? Radcast’s Mimi German Explains

This Week’s Featured Interview:  Mimi German is the founder of RadCast, which focuses on collecting and interpreting radiation data. It helps helping citizen activists learn how to take accurate radiation readings, which RadCast then compiles to figure out what’s going on – radiologically speaking – wherever the EPA has fallen down on the job… which…

NH #256: WA’s Hanford Site Radiological Dangers w/Gerry Pollet, West Lake/EPA Protests

This Week’s Featured Interview: How bad is the radioactive threat of the Hanford Site in SE Washington State?  Learn the facts, worthy of a Halloween horror house, from attorney Gerry Pollet, Executive Director of Heart of America Northwest, a 16,000 member citizens’ watchdog group for the cleanup of Hanford. You Are There at the Front…

NH #255: Just Moms StL to United Nations – West Lake Landfill as Human Rights Violation?

This Week’s Featured Interview: Just Moms StL’s Dawn Chapman reports on last week’s meeting with the United Nations Human Rights Commission.  Topic: whether the WWII nuclear weapons waste illegally stored at the North St. Louis West Lake Landfill and the EPA’s “nobody’s home!” lack of response to the crisis caused by the underground fire bearing…

NH #254: Nukes Go Hollywood – International Uranium Film Festival

Featured Interviews: An audio mosaic of the celebrities, filmmakers, activists, actorvists, fans and media at the first-ever International Uranium  Film Festival in Los Angeles, April 27, 2016. Among the featured interviews and personalities: Actor Ed Asner Actor/producer Kat Kramer of Kat Kramer Films that Change the World Karen Kramer, wife of the late Stanley Kramer,…

NH #253: Chernobyl 30th Anniversary SPECIAL – Mousseau, Yablokov, Sherman

A Nuclear Hotseat SPECIALon the Human and Genetic Impactof the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster This Week’s Featured Interviews: Bonnie Kouneva, Chernobyl Survivor.  She was a 16-year old living in Sofia, Bulgaria, about 800 miles away from Chernobyl, when the accident started on April 26, 1986.  She talks about the impact on her life and the health…

NH #252: SimplyInfo’s Nancy Foust w/Fukushima, Kumamoto/Sendai Nukes FACTS + Christian Brunn on film, “The Man Who Saved the World”

This Week’s Featured Interviews: Nancy Foust of SimplyInfo.org, which holds and manages the largest public archive of data on the Fukushima disaster in the world, on how that group finds and vets its info.  Includes up to the minute report on Sendai nuclear reactors after Kumamoto quakes in Japan. Christian Brunn, Executive Producer of “The Man…

NH #251: West Lake Moms Meet w/White House Reps & EPA’s Gina McCarthy!

This Week’s Featured Interview: West Lake Just Mom Dawn Chapman reveals the inner workings on the long-desired and oft-thwarted DC meeting she and fellow/sister Just Mom Karen Nickel had with Environmental Protection Agency head Gina Never-Met-A-Nuke-I-Didn’t-Like-And-Cover-For McCarthy.  And oh yes, they also met with White House representatives who are the EPA’s bosses and report directly to President…

NH #250: “Chernobyl in a Can” – More Dry Cask Dangers w/Donna Gilmore

This Week’s Featured Interview: Donna Gilmore, head of SanOnofreSafety.org, offers a chilling update on the problems of short term nuclear waste storage, calling the on-site dry storage canisters approved by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission “Chernobyl in a Can.” Numnutz of the Week: Russia risks doubling the reactor lifespan of the Kola nuclear power plant in…

NH #249: Three Mile Island 37th Anniversary SPECIAL – Eric Epstein of TMI Alert

Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident – 37 Years Later Historical Audio ŸŸ-Ÿ First-Person AccountsOfficial Errors – Mutations and Deaths – Lack of Accountability What it was like on the ground at the first major commercial nuclear power reactor accident in US history… and what has happened in the 37 years since. Featuring: Eric Epstein of Three…