NH #361: Radiation NEVER “Good for You” – Dr. Ian Fairlie Rips “hormesis” Lies + Leona Morgan at NRC NM Meetings: Citizens say NO! to Proposed Holtec Radioactive Waste Dump

Radiation Dump in NM or West Texas?  No way!  Leona Morgan of Diné No Nukes and Haul No!Reports on NRC Public Scoping Meeting on Proposed Holtec “interim” High Level Radioactive Waste Dump This Week’s Featured Interview: Dr. Ian Fairlie has studied radiation and radioactivity since the Chernobyl accident in 1986; received his doctorate from Princeton…

NH #360: Yucca Mountain YUCK! + NRC to Geriatric Nukes: “Life After 60? OK!” + New Trinity Site/Rocky Flats Docu OFF COUNTRY

Marker at the Trinity site, where the world’s first nuclear explosion took place. This Week’s Featured Interview: Filmmakers Taylor Dunne and Eric Stewart on their new documentary-in-progress, OFF COUNTRY, which examines lives impacted on-the-ground after the Trinity test, the first nuclear explosion in the world, and at Rocky Flats, the plutonium contaminated former nuclear weapons…

NH #359: Canada Nuclear Waste Dump Upstream of Montreal’s Drinking Water? Dr. Gordon Edwards

Canada Nuclear Waste Dump in Chalk River, Ontario –“Mobile Chernobyl” highway route waste would take from Los Alamos National Labs This Week’s Featured Interview: Dr. Gordon Edwards is president of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility and one of that country’s best known independent experts on nuclear technology. He has worked with the Canadian government,…

NH #358: Pilgrim Nuclear Dangers Mounting for Boston, New England – Diane Turco

Pilgrim Nuclear public hearing, Diane TurcoPhoto credit: M. Scott Brauer This Week’s Featured Interview: Diane Turco, Executive Director of Cape Downwinders, a group dedicated to the permanent closure of the Pilgrim nuclear power reactor in Plymouth, Massachusetts, updates us on the problems and dangers at that facility in just the first four months of 2018….

Chernobyl Lies, Cover-Up WHO

NH #357: Chernobyl 32nd Anniversary SPECIAL – Mousseau, Yablakov, Dr. Sherman, Bulgarian Survivor Kouneva, Ryuichi Hirakawa

Listen Here: [powerpress] This week’s Nuclear Hotseat marks the 32nd Anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster with highlights from past interviews.  It bring Ukraine’s devastating 1986 nuclear accident — and its consequences — into sharp, terrifying focus. This Week’s Special Interviews: Bonnie Kouneva was a 16-year-old living in Bulgaria when the Chernobyl accident started on…

NH #356: No Nuclear “Sacrifice Zone” in New Mexico! Leona Morgan, Eileen Shaughnessy

Nuclear Hotseat Producer/Host Libbe HaLevy (l) and Leona Morganat International Uranium Film Festival, 2015 This Week’s Featured Interview: Leona Morgan and Eileen Shaughnessy of the Nuclear Issues Study Group, based in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  They talk about pressure on indigenous people in New Mexico to accept a high level nuclear waste dump and all “interim”…

NH #355: Three Mile Island Nuclear Meltdown at 39: WTF Actually Happened to Us? Libbe HaLevy Returns

Listen Here: [powerpress] This Week’s RETURN TO TMI at 39 – SPECIAL: Nuclear Hotseat Producer/Host Libbe HaLevy, who was at the nuclear accident at Three Mile Island when it happened, returns to cover TMI at 39, a panel discussion featuring journalists who covered the accident as it happened and researchers reporting on the long-hidden medical impact of…

NH #354: Cancer Stats Skyrocket Around Nuclear Reactors: Epidemiologist Joseph Mangano

Cancer researcher Joseph Mangano (r) and supporter Christie Brinkley (l) photo by: Greg Allen Listen Here: [powerpress] This Week’s Featured Interview: Joseph Mangano is a health researcher, an epidemiologist who has serves as Executive Director of Radiation and Public Health Project.  Mangano is author or co-author of 33 medical journal articles on radiation health.  He…

NH #353: Three Mile Island: Yes People Died/Are Dying! – TMI 39th Anniversary SPECIAL

Three Mile Island Nuclear Meltdown at 39 NOTE: I am traveling to TMI for events surrounding the 39th Anniversary. As a result, donations to help me get there will be rewarded with the following bonuses:  For $20, you will receive a quality facsimile of the LA Weekly article I wrote at the evacuation site that…