NH #441: Nuclear Waste Warriors: USA National Activists Gather to Fight for Truth, Sanity in Radioactive Waste Storage

Nuclear Waste Warriors from around the United States gathered in Albuquerque, NM in November to brainstorm, strategize, and coordinate efforts and actions. This Week’s SPECIAL: Nuclear Waste Warriors from around the U.S. came together November 7-11, 2019, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, to brainstorm, strategize, and coordinate work against the nuclear nightmares in their own backyards,…

NH #441: Nuclear Bailout Battle in Ohio: Harvey Wasserman, Pat Marida on HB 6, Nuke Industry Dirty Tricks, Physical Threats

Nuclear bailout battle in Ohio over a referendum to reverse HB 6, which gives billions of dollars to First Energy and its aging nuclear reactors – Davis Besse and Perry – has at its core the lie that nuclear is going to somehow reverse the climate crisis. It won’t. LISTEN HERE: [powerpress] This Week’s Featured…

NH #440: Fukushima Journey, Pt. 2: Olympics Propaganda, Thyroid Cancers, Japanese Govt. Lies – 4 days in Fukushima Prefecture w/Beverly Findlay-Kaneko

Fukushima Journey – 4 days on-the-ground in Fukushima Prefecture w/Beverly Findlay-Kaneko (l) and Setsuko Kida-san, here pictured in front of memorial for those who died in the 3/11/11 earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster. Note the incinerator in the background (r), built to deal with fields of bags full of decontamination debris. Photo Copyright 2019, Yuji…

NH #439: Fukushima Disappearing?: 4- Day Journey through Japan’s Radioactive Olympics Prefecture w/Beverly Findlay-Kaneko (Pt. 1)

Fukushima Disappearing? Tomioka 2019 – the dead end at the “difficult to return” zone. One side of the street is in the repatriation zone; the other, behind the red and white barriacade, is in the exclusion zone. Can you see the difference? Photo: Copyright 2019 Yuji Kaneko; used by permission of photographer. Listen Here: [powerpress]…

NH #438: Radiation: The Invisible Threat – Mary Olson on Gender/Age Dangers, Joseph Mangano on Thyroid Cancer Risks

Listen Here: [powerpress] This Week’s Featured Interviews: Radiation: The invisible threat is discussed by two researchers who have each spent decades focused on nuclear radiation dangers: Mary Olson is a retiring member of Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS) staff after almost 30 years. She now serves as Acting Director of Gender and Radiation Impact…

NH #437: Navajo Birth Cohort Study finds Uranium Contamination in Navajo Women, Babies: Dr. Johnnye Lewis, Anna Rondon

Navajo Birth Cohort Study (logo above) discovered uranium in the bodies of more than one-quarter of the women and children studied thus far. This Week’s Featured Interviews: Navajo Birth Cohort Study toxicologist and principal investigator Dr. Johnnye Lewis explains the medical research that has been done so far on Navajo Nation women and their babies,…

NH #436: Radioactive Nuclear Waste Lies: San Onofre w/Donna Gilmore, Radiation vs. Radioactivity w/Dr. Gordon Edwards

Radioactive Nuclear Waste in Southern California: Google Maps image of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station‘s radioactive fuel rod storage canisters. Each one contains as much radiation as was released during the Chernobyl accident. Note the nearness of the Pacific Ocean. This Week’s Featured Interviews: Radioactive nuclear waste and the current lies regarding long-term storage…

NH #435: Citizens’ Radiation Data Map of Japan Exposes Scientific Truth about Fukushima Contamination + Hurricane Hagibis Radiation Update: Mari Inoue

Citizens’ Radiation Data Map of Japan – created by moms, parents, grandparents to supply the information that the Japanese government would not. See what radiation levels have been and will be for the next 100 years. This Week’s Featured Interview: Citizens’ Radiation Data Map of Japan by the Minna-no Data Site reveals the deadly impact…

NH #434: Fukushima Hurricane Hagibis Flooding Spreads Radiation Risks, w/Simply Info’s Nancy Foust + Radioactive Rocky Flats-Adjacent Toll Road Delayed – Randy Stafford

Fukushima Hurricane Hagibis Flooding – deluge of water washes full bags of “decontaminated” soil, plants, and other radioactive matter into Furumichi river near the Japanese city of Tamura in Fukushima Prefecture (above). No report yet on how much radioactive material from the decomposing, torn waste bags was washed back into the environment. This Week’s Featured…