NH #478: San Onofre Beachfront Nuke Waste Dump: Edison Sneaks Deadly Rule Change thru Coastal Commission – Public Watchdogs’ Charles Langley & Nina Babiarz

San Onofre Beachfront Nuclear Waste Dump – and owner Southern California Edison’s manipulations to abandon the Holtec thin-walled “tin can” canisters to High Tide on the beach.  Can you spot the problems?  HINT:  There are even more!  Listen Here: [powerpress] This Week’s Featured Interview: San Onofre Beachfront Nuclear Waste Dump – what could go wrong? …

NH #477: US Nuke Tech Sale to Bomb-Hungry Saudis Being Legalized: Terry Lodge + How YOU can $top Nuclear Weapon$!

US Nuke Technology Sale to Saudis being Legalized – Attny Terry Lodge Explains.And the full story of how Don’t Bank on the Bomb is helping to defund nuclear weapons producers,one bank account at a time This Week’s Featured Interviews: US Nuke Tech Sale to Saudis – How can this be legal?  Environmental trial attorney Terry…

NH #476: Nuclear Hell: 75 Years since Hiroshima & Nagasaki A-Bombs – Alice Slater, Hibakusha Setsuko Thurlow

Nuclear Hell:  Hibakusha Setsuko Thurlow at the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize Awards Ceremony, giving her acceptance speech on behalf of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons This Week’s Special Commemorative Features: Nuclear Hell began 75 years ago with the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  It continues to this day, with…

NH #475: Nukegate in Ohio: Nuclear Bailout Scandal – Attorney Terry Lodge Explains

Nukegate in Ohio:  Activists against Ohio’s bailout of failing nuclear reactors were gamed out of their referendum to block it in 2019.  Now, there’s a scandal with criminal indictments against the Ohio House of Representatives Speaker Larry Householder for taking First Energy money (aka “bribes”).  This may show the way to bailout reversal.  Attorney Terry…

NH #474: Trinity A-Bomb at 75 – Downwind of New Mexico’s “Dirty Bomb”: Tina Cordova, Joni Arends

NH #474: Trinity A-Bomb at 75 – Downwind of New Mexico’s “Dirty Bomb”: Tina Cordova, Joni Arends

Trinity downwinder Tina Cordova First photo of the Atomic Age – the Trinity atomic bomb test of July 16, 1945, 0.025 seconds after detonation. This Week’s Featured Interviews: Trinity Downwinders advocating for justice: Tina Cordova grew up in her family home in the Tularosa Basin, 40 miles from the explosion of the first atomic bomb…

NH #473: Church Rock Uranium Tailings Pond Breach Disaster in Navajo Nation – 40th Anniversary SPECIAL ENCORE: Elders, Activists Speak Out

NH #473: Church Rock Uranium Tailings Pond Breach Disaster in Navajo Nation – 40th Anniversary SPECIAL ENCORE: Elders, Activists Speak Out

Church Rock 40th anniversary commemoration, July 16, 2019 –former Uranium Miner Larry J. King (center) explains the site of the 1979 Church Rock uranium tailings pond breach.  This under-reported radioactive disaster dumped more than 94 million gallons of uranium-contaminated waste water into the adjacent Puerco River.  Now 41 years later, it has yet to be…

NH #472: Pilgrim Nuclear Security Lapses, Holtec Decommissioning Lies w/Diane Turco

Pilgrim nuclear insecurity – Princeton university projection of what would happen to the radioactivity releasedshould Pilgrim have a fire in its spent fuel pool.  THIS WEEK’S FEATURED INTERVIEW: Diane Turco is Director of the Cape Downwinders on Cape Cod, a group that’s been fighting against the Pilgrim nuclear power reactor for more than 40 years. …

NH #471: Radioactivity/Radiation Refresher Course: Joseph Mangano & Dr. Gordon Edwards

Radiation/Radioactivity symbol – For an update on what we need to know about what it does to us so others can understand the fight against all things nuclear.   Listen Here: [powerpress]   This Week’s Featured Interviews: Joseph Mangano is a health researcher, an epidemiologist who has served as a director of Radiation and Public…

NH #470: Hiroshima Nagasaki 75th Anniversary: Anti-Nuclear Livestream Seeks Submissions to Blast Bomb Boosters: PSR’s Martin Fleck, UCS’s Lilly Adams

This Week’s Featured Interview: Hiroshima Nagasaki 75th Anniversary of the United States dropping atomic bombs on the two Japanese cities —  for the first time, activists will provide international online peace and anti-nuclear programs on August 6 and 9.  This will be counterprogramming to a media deluge by pro-nukers seeking another bombgasm.  A coalition of…