NH #490: Children of Atomic Veterans Carry Heavy Genetic Burden: Victoria Moore

Children of Atomic Veterans  – DNA damage, penile cancer,and the message:   Don’t have kids! The American devastation of military personnel from the atomic bomb test radiationthat devastated the Marshall Islands and its people.  This Week’s Featured Interview: Children of Atomic Veterans focuses on medical and genetic issues in those whose parents – primarily fathers –…

NH #489: UN Nuclear Weapons Ban: The Inside Scoop w/Ray Acheson + NPR’s Ira Flatow IS Numnutz of the Week!

UN Nuclear Weapons Ban – The inside scoop from Ray Acheson,Director of Reaching Critical Will, Women’s International League for Peace and FreedomShe was in ALL the rooms where it happened! This Week’s Featured Interview: UN Nuclear Weapons Ban:  Ray Acheson is Director of the Disarmament Programme of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom…

NH #488: Hot Nukes & Global Warming: Nuclear’s Climate Change Connection – Attny Susan Hito Shapiro

Hot nukes – The thermal plume from Indian Point and Lovett power plants in this infra-red image taken in 1998 by scientists from GER/SpectroTech, Inc. The reds indicate discharge temperatures from 1-8 degrees hotter than ambient river water, and the yellows go up to 14.5 degrees hotter. One scientist noted that the plume appeared to…

NH #487: Radium Girls – New Film on Tragically Radiation-Poisoned Workers + Covid/Nuclear Update w/Dave Kraft

Radium Girls – WWI era young women paint luminous watch dials with radioactive paint were instructed to lick the brush tips to make a sharper point. A new dramatic film tells of our first awareness of radiation horrors in very human terms.   LISTEN HERE: [powerpress]   This Week’s Featured Interviews: Radium Girls is a…

NH #486: New Mexico Nuclear Waste Dump UPDATE: Leona Morgan & Eileen O’Shaughnessy

New Mexico Nuclear Waste Dump: Two proposed radioactive nuclear waste dump sites in NM and West Texas, and all the routes that existing waste would have to take to get there. Map courtesy Nuclear Issues Study Group   LISTEN HERE: [powerpress] This Week’s Featured Interview: New Mexico Nuclear UPDATE:  What’s the latest on the proposed…

NH #485: BREAKING: Nuclear Football & Trump’s Covid + Meds – Garrett Graff + South African Award-Winning Climate Change Activist Makoma Lekalakala

BREAKING:  Nuclear Football – Nuclear Launch Codes = Armageddon in a Briefcase It follows the President everywhere… but where was it at Walter Reed? Listen Here: [powerpress] BREAKING: Nuclear Football = Nuclear Launch Codes – What does it mean to international security when the President of the United States, who has sole, unimpeded access  and…

Chernobyl Truth

NH #484: Chernobyl Truth, World Health Org. Lies – Alison Katz of Independent WHO

This Week’s Featured Interview – A Nuclear Hotseat CLASSIC: Chernoby Truth, World Health Org. Lies Revealed – Alison Katz is a psychologist and sociologist who heads Independent WHO. The international watchdog group draws attention to the World Health Organization’s failure in its duty to protect those populations who are victims of radioactive contamination from Chernobyl and, later, Fukushima.  The…

NH #483: Seabrook Nuclear Concrete Degradation + Ian Zabarte: Message from the Most Bombed Nation on Earth

Seabrook Nuclear Concrete Containment Degradation – 40 miles from Bostonand licensed until 2050! This Week’s Featured Interviews: Seabrook Nuclear Station watchdog Natalie Hildt Treat is Executive Director of the C-10 Foundation, which operates the only real time radiation monitoring system open to the public.  This allows it to keep a sharp and critical eye on…

NH #482: VoteClimate2020.org – Maggie Gundersen, Robert Manning + Exelon Nuclear Hostage Crisis: Dave Kraft

Exelon Nuclear Hostage Crisis called out by Dave Kraft of NEIS, seen here at hiscommand control console for slaying nuclear dragons. NOTE:  Letters are still needed to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission opposing plans for Holtec to build a so-called “Interim” high level radioactive waste storage site in New Mexico.  Deadline is September 22, 2020.  PLEASE: …