NH #683: Ohio Radiation Contamination – More Radioactive Water, Soil, Plants Found at Piketon/Portsmouth: Dr. Michael Ketterer

The shuttered Zahn’s Corner Middle School, shuttered for contamination with nuclear materials from the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant, only 3 miles away. And now the school district is trying to auction it off “AS-IS” without explaining what the “AS-IS” is?!?!???
This Week’s Featured Interview:
- Latest radiation findings near the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant in southern Ohio show increased radiation levels in Little Beaver Creek water, sediment, plants. Interview with Dr. Michael Ketterer, who has a PhD in Analytical Chemistry and has worked for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Enforcement, and at University of Denver. Since 2000, Michael has been conducting studies of plutonium in the environment, publishing and lecturing extensively, and has analyzed samples from locations worldwide. He is currently studying plutonium dioxide particles in soils near the former Rocky Flats facility in Colorado, and fingerprinting off-site contaminants near the former Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant in southern Ohio. Michael is Professor Emeritus of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Northern Arizona University. We spoke on July 22, 2024.
To contact Dr. Michael Ketterer and Others Re: PORTS:
- Michael E. Ketterer, PhD; Professor Emeritus, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Northern Arizona University.Phone: +1 928 853 7188; [email protected]
- LINK to Duane Poulman WKRC Report on Dr. Michael Ketterer and recent radiation findings in water, soil, plants near the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant in Ohio
- Ohio Nuclear Free Network
- PRESS and Vina Colley –
- CONTACT for Portsmouth/Piketon Residents for Environmental Safety and Security (PRESS), National Nuclear Workers for Justice (NNWJ) and Vina Colley: [email protected] ; Vina Colley on Facebook
Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network Congressional Briefing: RADIOACTIVE CONTAMINATION OF US FOOD AND WATER and what Congress Can Do About It:
Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network Petition link https://sign.moveon.org/petitions/keep-harmful-radioactive-1.
Current U.S. Nuclear Warhead Inventory Numbers:
Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneneadedness):
You want to know where all the money went that should have gone to support RECA (Radiation Exposure Compensation Act), national health care, infrastructure, education – you know, the things that make our world and our lives better? Even at a “mere” 3,748 nukes, the money to build, design, deploy, maintain, and ultimately mothball these devilish weapons – to say nothing of the new ones that are in the pipeline, being built even not – could be put to better use. Here’s a chart of our nukes, 1945 – 2023.